Friday, May 18, 2007

Does anyone have any easy weight loss tips...things that will work not fast but atleast quickly? -

i need help.i used to be so skinny and then i jus started gaining weight for no reason.what can i do to work the weight off while being grounded into the house?

cut out all junk food....and all sugarcarbonated drinks.....walk everywhere....drink alot of water....sometimes when you think youre hungry, youre actually just thirsty..... look at this website!!.....

In the house do some fast dance routines. Reduce your food intake. If you drink sugared soft drinks switch to water.

Please visit my weight loss page. Hope it helps!

Eat more do exersise!Yes you read right.You must eat more food,at least more times a day.The 3 meals a day deviding in 5-6 smaller meals.That s anyway better for the stomach.Why you should continuing to eat,when you want to reduce weight? Because your body burns fat,ev rytime you eat something-he need energy for this process!Of course you should also look for what kind of food you eat!Exersise is important to burn more fat and gives you a good shape anyway.I recommend swimming!You see-there is no need for diet-programs,who just cost you money and have an effect for a short time only!


Drink a lot of water, get some exercise do a lot of walking, or march in place instead of sitting while watching at least tv show. Do not eat anything after 7pm. Stop eating bread, chips, sugary drinks

You say you are gaining for no reason. Thats not possible. There is a reason. If you havent changed your diet or if you arent execising less, it could be something medical ie, thyroid, diabetes etc. So, if you really dont know why.....see your physician. Otherwise, its as simple as input/output. The output needs to be greater than the input. Eat less calories and increase your deficit.

It really isn t too hard to lose a little bit of weight. What you do is instead of eating 3 large meals a day, eat small portions every few hours, an apple, a sandwich, some yogurt, things like that. Dancing really does help when you want to lose weight because, depending on what dancing you do it can be a total body workout. If you have a two-story house or live in apartments, jogging up and down the steps can work really well. And don t obsess over it. The less you worry about how much weight your losing, the more it will help you. Just don t turn to pills, or shakes, or anything. They really aren t good for you and they honestly don t work.