Monday, May 21, 2007

Teen weight loss tips!!!!? -

hi, im a 13 year old teenager and yes i am over weight. These christmas hoolidays i am really hoping to shed some fat so does any one have any tips for me thankyou so much an i appreciate all your answers.

Count the calories and workout. Trust me, it will not be easy, but I am assuming you know this already.Do not starve yourself: Starving the body is the same as tricking the body. Starving yourself is a miserable thing to do and when you do start eating again, your body will store more food than ever before, preparing for your next starvation.Workout: If you want to see results, I d advise you to not just eat healthier but to also workout. Counting the calories lost while doing so will be much helpful. If you do not know for sure how much you are losing, make an estimated guess. When guessing, however, I d definitely say do not guess over, also guess under. For say, I think I lost maybe 200 calories, do not guess that you lost 250, think of losing 150 instead. That is a 100 calorie difference. Remember: 3,500 calories = I pound.Healthy: Start replacing ice cream with yogurt or whatever healthy snacks you enjoy. I personally love to eat apples and grapes. If you are concerned on the amount of calories you just ate from the yogurt, check the nutrition information of the back of it and check how much you have eaten. Work those calories off.Drink Water: Water is very good for you in more ways than one and for that reason, I d recommend lots of water. Especially since the calories is a 0. It will make you more full without the hassle of burning anything or gaining anything.Eating soft foods: Soup, mashed potatoes, it doesn t matter.I hope I helped! I am 13 too.

watch what you eat try to stick to about 1500 calories a day as this number has been proven by science over and over again to maintain muscle growth while still being a low enough number to loose fat. The best means of becoming more athletic in look and fit is to use weighs. Women tend to prefer not having big muscles so use small weights with alot of reps to make yourself more slender and athletic.At first you wont see the difference on the scale but you will notice a change in your bodys physique as well as your endurance and confidence.

I wouldn t try to lose too much weight, but I think it s great that you are trying to do this before it all builds up and then you can t even do anything about it. I would just eat healthier foods, less junk, and keep exercising daily. Even walking would help. I have PE every other day and we run miles like once a week (: I m in 7th so that s just how I keep up exercise). You could set whatever goals you want and whatever is right for your body or how much you want to lose. Good luck :]

Some things that you can do: running on the tredmil for about half an hour-1 hour every second night. ALWAYS eat breakfast, have a snack every 3 hours (a small snack like an apple or something like that) make sure that ur portions ar controlled. Oh and another thing try not to eat passed 7:30.. (its ok once an while if u have a sleepover or somehting like that but not every night) Oh and BTW it takes ur body about 2 weeks for it to get fuly into a rutine so keep it up, put ur self on the scale once every week recored (incresse, decess) and also i find that keeping a food diary helps. Hope i could help :P

Hi there, in order to lose weight you ll need to eat small healthy meals 5-6 times a day as well as having a good exercise plan. If you exercise 4-5 times per week for an hour each time, you ll lose a few pounds!

This board is called Diet and Fitness. Which is the answer to your question. Why is that so hard to figure out? Good Diet and Good Fitness = Good Health.