Friday, August 10, 2007

I have 2-2 1/2 months to lose weight. What are some exercises that will help me lose max. weight? -

In my stomache and inner thighs. I would like all natural weight loss tips. Something I could do at home.

LOSING WEIGHT is a simple science. If you burn more calories a day than your body takes in, you LOSE WEIGHT. If you burn the same amount of calories your body consumes, then you stay the same weight, and if you CONSUME more calories than your body burns in the long run, you gain weight.So the best method(Although it seems hard) is to diet and exercise, wait- no scratch that, I hate the word DIET, because DIET s fail and are a quick fix for quick results that are soon lost there after.Eat Healthier, CARBS: your body s main source of fuel, and provides the brain, with the fuel it needs to think and react quickly, so the good carbs are the following.....(COMPLEX CARBS)Oatmeal(Plain, No Instant, Add Natural Honey or fruit to make taste better)Sweet PotatoBrown RiceFiber one cereal(Provides your whole days worth of fiber if you eat 1 cup of it a day)Whole grain wheat bread(Watch out for imitations, read labels, if there is ONE ingredient that says HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP....Do NOT eat it, , it is a man made sugar syrup that your body has a hard time breaking down and , metabolizing and it SPIKES your insulin levels leading to fat storage.Broccoli, asparagas, anything green that s a veggie, is LOW CAL, contains, tons of vitamins, minerals and FIBER, and FIBER makes you feel full longer.PROTEIN: Proteins are large organic compounds made of amino acids, basically what this is, it is the BUILDING BLOCKS OF LIFE! It repairs and rebuilds muscle tissue and is also vital for proper BRAIN function.When I first started working out and trying to tone up, I would eat Steak burgers from steak and shake, and justify eating it, because of the 40 grams of protein it had. But the one thing is, when you eat protein with HIGH saturated FATS, it slows down the body s process of breaking down protein, meaning it basically hinders muscle growth for the people trying to tone up!!!!Best sources of protein include: Eggs, Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast, Tuna, Salmon(Also High in essential fats), Lean ground turkey and Whey protein drink/shake.NOTE: although beans and peanut butter do contain protein, they are what is called Incomplete Proteins because they do not contain the 18-20 amino acids that are found in other foods and supplements. It has been said to make these protein s complete, eat with whole wheat bread(Real bread) and you should get more amino s with that combo.FATS: People think fats are bad, NOT ALL FATS ARE CREATED EQUAL!!!Olive Oil, Raw Nuts(Of any kind really), Saflower oil, flax seed oil and the fats found in FATTY fish like SALMON are really good fats for you and help lower risks of heart disease.Think of it like this. Saturated fats at room temp are SOLID, and Poly, Mono, etc are liquid at room temp.Which one do you think will hurt your body??? Water goes down your drain in your bathroom sink just fine, but keep clogging it up with HAIR and you will need to get it repaired DOWN THE LINE!Stay away from trans fats, added sugar, high fructose corn syrup.The reason WE (Humans) have such a big sweet tooth, is due in fact to SURVIVAL purposes!! Our bodies evolved a sweet tooth in the begining stages of life, to seek out high vitamin and high CALORIE food like Fruits, veggies, Honey, Maple syrup, etc.It helped us survive when we could not eat for days, eating high calorie fast acting foods like honey, maple syrup, etc.So next time you want to eat a snickers or a cookie, grab some honey, fruit, etc. it will satisfy the beast within, and your body will thank you for it.Not only eating healthy helps you lose weight, gain muscle, etc. But it makes you feel better. You ll have more energy, your mood will be better and you ll think more clearly.When you eat good, your blood sugar levels stay normal, but when you skip meals, and eat BAD, your Pancreas secretes a lot of INSULIN making you feeling tired and foggy minded.Also the more INSULIN you secrete the more FAT STORAGE your likely to have, along with the long run risk of getting diabetes.If you make sure to eat 4-6 meals a day, I can GUARANTEE you that you will have more energy, be more alert, and have better days.Not to mention you will REV up your METABOLISM, think of your body like a BON FIRE, everytime you throw wood in the fire the fire ignites more and more, the same goes for your body, You eat and your metabolism ignites. NOW this is not saying to go out and BINGE on whatever every 2-4 hours, but eat real, nutrient dense calories.If you bought a brand NEW CAR, that you have always wanted and you LOVED this car so much, Would you FUEL it with PISS? No you wouldn t!!!! You would want the best fuel for the car!!! And the same should apply for your body.

Your best bet is to do a colon cleanse. Every person has on a regular basis has around 17 lbs of crap in their system. Most people in the world are constipated and they don t even know it. Sorry for that disgusting thought...If you want to lose weight in your stomach and thighs quick and naturally, and get toned at the same time, empty your system of all the junk. A natural skin tightening occurs when you lose weight naturally, hence the toning. Its worked for me. BUT be careful! and do some reading up on it first. I would suggest Dr Christophers natural healing.And do a colonic. Read about it.

It depends on how overweight you think you are, if its more than 50 pounds or so over what should be your normal weight range then you may not even have to work out at all, just modify your diet to fewer calories/less sugar and overall main thing supplement your diet with a sufficient of water (At least 1 gal per day...) Also you cannot just simply lose weight in problematic areas, this is near impossible if not impossible, it comes off all over all at once. I recommend 30 minutes of some type of cardio every other day, then maybe some weight training on 2-3 of those days.

Hey i have tried almost everything to loose weight the best way is to make a diet of what you are eating and look over it. drink plenty of water and eat also of vegetables. Try to make your meals balanced. avoid fizzy and high energy drink as this contains alot of sugar and calories. also replace frying your food and try to grill/ steam or baking is a replacement of frying. try to join a fitness class or if not comfortable you could buy a fitness DVD and excersize in the comfort of your home.I hope this helps x

You have to come up with some type of a reward system, this will help keep you motivated. One of the best things to do is make a contingency contract. Stating what you want to do, who will help you do it, and what do you get for doing it. Then also try to find a well balance diet program. My friend did this one diet program where the average weight lose is 7 pounds in 9 days. It might be the thing you are looking for, I know it s well balanced. If you want e-mail me and I can tell you more about either of these.

google target heart rate When you find your target heart rate, you want to keep your heart rate between 60% and 70% of that rate. This will keep you in fat burn mode. Some treadmills have this mode on them when you use them and they ll do all the work for you to keep your rate where it should be.The point of this is the fact that your body is getting enough oxygen for fuel and your cells are getting their energy from fat. When your heart rate goes to about 75%, or above, of your target heart rate, your heart can t keep up the flow of oxygen for efficient burning of fat, therefore it switches to burning sugar, which you just ate. Not only don t you burn fat, but it also makes you hungry when you burn sugar and you will feel like you earned that glazed donut. Therefore, your workout will become counter productive.I once ran 3 miles in the morning 5-6 times per week and I didn t drop a pound! When I was told to begin walking, they started coming off like Paris Hilton s Und...never mind.Also, do various types of sit ups in order to cover all of your ab muscles. Remember this...the more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns in a day. So start some toning.A trick I just tried, because I m in the same boat. I started a month and a half ago. I counted 4-5 days per week for the month of May, June, and July and put a fraction at the end of the month (i.e. /16 for the month of May) I started on May 10th and figured out of the remaining 21 days, I should work out 16 days. Using this goal, I wound up with 17/16. For some odd reason, it kept me motivated, and is still keeping me there.Good luck! grapefruits and hot sauce - they re known to speed up your metabolism!

Well my dear, if you want to lose weight fast you have to be focus and determind. Heres a link to a new diet system that came out provon to work! check it out and get chrome4life!!

walking burns fat much more effectively than runnding if that helps. doing crunches for your stomach is not going to help the overall appearance because if you have stomach fat then you will not be able to see the stomach muslces underneath. i reccommend walking.

try pilates - Short video here to get a feel for it��

go for evening walk. and play some outdoor games like football badminton etc. playing football in the evening will help you a lot to make ur body to loose weight