Saturday, February 23, 2008

How to lose weight on a treadmill in 5 months? -

Hey :) I have a treadmill, and I really want to lose some weight. I only have 5 months. So how long do I go on it? How many days a week? Could you also give me any tips? and each time I go on the treadmill, what should my total calories burnt be?Thankyou so much if you could help :) I only want to lose like 20 pounds.. but I want to keep the weight off too.

You can start out with 40 mins until you feel comfy enough to hit 1hr. Start out with what is comfortable for you. Then after a week, increase the incline and walk for 5 mins then lower incline and walk at 3.0 for 1 mins. Then run for as long as you can. Basically during your workout you should switch up levels of speed and incline. You can try walking backwards and sideways (hold on until u get comfy) this is so u dont get bored. Also try walking with light dumbells. stay hydrated with water/ u dont need sugar laced sports drinks. good luck to u. hope i helped.

I did the same thing a couple years ago. Try working up to being able to jog about 2 miles or 30min. atleast 5 times a week. Make sure you can breath and be able to carry on a conversation while jogging, this will ensure your heart rate is at its prime for best weight loss results. Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water, that alone will help you to shed lbs.