Monday, August 11, 2008

How to lose weight in the winter? -

In the summer I ll go for runs, do stuff outside, you know, EXERCISE! But in the winter I don t feel motivated, I m always more tired, and I eat more. I need to get moving. What I ve gained 5sh pounds and want to lose them before say april. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!???!?!?! LOlthanks.FYI its REALLY cold outside.

try the Little Jack workout��

There s also full workout videos on youtube if you search for them. Yoga is really excellent too.

You re 14 how bad could your body be...At 14 you ve barely grown into your body...Just be a teenager and dont stress about that stuff...As long as you eat healthy and drink plenty of water you should be fine.

The formula for losing those excess pounds is easy - eat less and workout more - the problems appear when we actually try to put that into operation! There are plenty of temptations out there don t you think?! The sole method that definitely showed results for me is wu-yi tea, it can be seen in the resource box underneath, they have a few free trials remaining, it has been highlighted in Fox News and USA Today. I lost 30 pounds, it definitely does produce results!

i really dont know how to loose weight other than to diet, sorry i couldnt help much,im skinny i wish i would gain of weight. i say just continue what your doing exercise eat healthy.

Jumprope and Hula hooping work really well, so I ve heard. TRy wii Hula Hooping. Tis fuN!

join a gym, so aerobic exercise inside like sit ups, pushups, crunches, tai kwando type stuff. eat healthier too!

LOVE YOU SELF AND ONE PERSON DEEPLY, LOVE YOUR CHILDREN - When it comes to love you need not fall but rather surrender. Surrender to the idea that you must love yourself before you can love another. You must absolutely trust yourself before you can absolutely trust another, and most importantly you must accept your flaws before you can accept the flaws of another.Author Unknownp.s. If you outside - grab a snuggly blanket and light a campfire, help is on the way soon. If your inside looking out at the cold, grab a snuggly blanket, and light the fireplace, if you have one, and turn on the heat.

Learn how to dress up against cold

If you have Nintendo Wii, I highly recommend Wii Fit. It ll provide you with a well-rounded workout.

Work out inside!If you don t do yoga, then start. It s great for your body as well as your well being. You could also buy a work out DVD. That gets me motivated in the winter. The holidays are over so eat healthy!! Oh and drink LOTS of water!

i have that i play my best music (like dance music) and just dance for a while...afterword i feel so much better :] just dance your heart out :]

I recommend jump roping. Not the stuff you would do on the playground. Boxer style jump roping. Just find an open area in the house. You can google how many jumps it takes to do the equivalent of running a mile. But you can stay in place and watch tv.

Id go to the gym or do some in house work outs....maybe a treadmill just go to the gym it will help out a lot.

dancing with jumping and waving your hand high as if you stretching them with moving music that really make you dance very energetic like techno music will help if you just play it in your ipod or Mp3 player will make you burn in 30 minute what you can burn in the gym for one hour so start dancing and moving and enjoy your time this will burn fat around your waist and belly and will firm and tone your thighs and butt best of luck

Join your locally gym and you have to be motivated and work hard!

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i stoped eating and lost like 10 pounds a week.

HI I did the master cleanse diet and lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks. Just google master cleanse diet it the lemon diet. It works