Thursday, August 21, 2008

How to lose weight the natural way? -

Ok, so i have a really good friend. She is 15 years old. I am 17. She is 5 feet and 5 inches tall. So, the problem is that her sweet 16 is coming up next January. She weighs 180 pounds!!! I care for her and made her go on a diet. She wants to lose at least 30 pounds. So what exercises can she do at home??? She doesn t prefer exercising outside. Help me help her. Please.

3,500 calories in a pound of fat.3,500 calories multiplied by the 30(lbs)= 105,000 caloriesshe will have to burn 105,00 calories by next january to lose the desired amount of weight. so to burn 30 lbs by next year she will have to burn around 308 calories a day. so she will have to find some kinds of excersizes to do inside.all your freind has to do is burn excess calories and she will lose the weight. so i would search for a calories calculator and enter your information (weight, height, gender, age) and it will tell you how many calories your body needs to go through a day. but it is easy if you stick with it you will lose the weight garunteed. but just dont consume more calories then your body needs. and replace a meal with something low in calories. like a peice of fruit, yogurt, bowl of cereal. and dont drink pop. if you currently drink pop look for an alternative with fewer calories. like fruit drinks vegetable drinks. dont eat fast foods. the best time to excersize is in the morning because your body has no calories to use for energy because you have been asleep so it will burn calories from stored fat. and that is what you want. also avoid eating big dinners. and dont eat something then go to sleep right after eating. if you do it will just store that food as fat. which is not what you want. if you are going to have a big meal it would be best to have a big breakfast because the calories will be burned up throughout the day. unlike with dinner. so if you are going to substitute a meal for something with fewer calories. i would suggest substituting dinner with something like fruit. you can do anything that gets your heart rate up to burn calories. walking, dancing, runnning, or anything. but since your freind doesn t like walbut yeah you get the idea. you dont have to have any special equipment. but just dont expect to lose a lb of fat a day. healthy weight loss is no more than 2 lbs a week. this weight loss can be acheived by diet and exercise. diet pills that burn fat.........i highly doubt it. there is no proven pills that burn calories and most of them are just another way for people to still your money. the only way to burn fat is to get your heart rate going by phsical activity. no pill can do that. only diet an excersize will burn fat.if you want to burn more fat faster then just take how many lbs you want to lose and mutiply it by 3,500. then take that number and divide by how many days you want to lose that much weight in. then you will have the amount of calories you will have to burn daily in order to lose that much weight over the amount of time you wish to lose it in. now to find some good physical activities that will burn calories. here is a list that has 604 excersizes and it shows how many calories you will burn if you are 180 lbs. there is the link. just scroll through the list and pick out some excersizes that could be done inside a house without having to buy expensive equipment.if your friend doesn t go against her diet and she doesn t slack on excersize she will lose the weight. all she has to do is do some kind of indoor excersize for about 2 hours a day. 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour later in the day or however she want as long as it is 2 hours. if she does take breaks i would suggest that she excercizes at leat 30 minutes before taking a break. reason is is because if she takes to many breaks i.e. (taking breaks every 10 minutes) she will not burn as many calories. beacuse after every time she stops she will have to start again and her heart rate wont be as high. but if she was 2 excersize 2 hours non stop she would burn more calories because the heart will not slow down then have to speed back up. the higher your heart rate the more calories you get. so jumping rope is the best way to burn calories. that could be indoors. but it is very exhaustinganyway for a list of 604 excersizes click on the link. it also tells how many calories you burn for each excersize every 30 minutes.��edit: dont buy the thing the guy below me suggest. he works for them. it doesn t work. i have proof he works for them. click on his profile then view his questions. all the questions he asks are about how to lose wait. they say are you depressed because you are gaining weight, do you want to lose weight fast without ecersizing? read more inside. but wait i have more proof look at how many times he asked it. he asked the same question like 7 times every hour. then he is always promoting that product. it is a fake. no pill can burn calories....its like i said earlier. then look at the questions he aswered about losing weight. in each one he promotes that product. and he answered like 5 question every hour promoting that product. you know what that means. it means he works for them.

Well I am a cross country/track runner. I advise her to stop eating candy and junk food if she is. Instead of running like I do maybe go take her to a mall and walk around alot. Start out slow and maybe speed up. Maybe go to the gym near by and run on a treadmill while listening to music or watching tv, ect.

The Firm AND Lipozene which is a all natural herb, costing $1.00 a day. Will lose AT LEAST 5.5 lbs. within 8 weeks.By doing both, you will lose weight MuchQuicker.From: Dr. Mandible.

I think that eating healthy is the key she should eat every 3 hours but very little . Then you can make exercise fun ! put music on and start dancing and jumping around she will sweat and loose ..Or you can try ice skating or riding a bike .as long as you are active you can loose weightand you also needs to WANT to exercise and loose the rolls if she doesnt want too dont Make her .

stop eating process meats and exercise.I can t put it more simple then that .

Treadmills and exercise bikes are good, but if those aren t available, try something fun like dance tapes.

she can always buy some exercise videos. like pilates to tone up after shes lost the 30 lb.s jump rope, crunches. push ups. cardio (treadmill,elliptical) have he look online! there are many!