Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How to lose weight????????? -

fast 145 3 108i want to be 95-100fasti work out 1 1/2 hiurs a dayno running and how many calories should i eatfast i dont care if i might gain it all back just fast

Just eat right. Light meals @ more frequent intervals, when working out concentrate more on such exercises that need you to repeat certain procedures over and over again like more reps and stuff... and drink a lot of water, avoid coke fanta pepsi n all the others in that category. eat a lot of vegetables...

diet and exercise. however, with your frame, you might want to get a professional fitness expert so your diet doesn t get dangerous. an important thing to note is that you should eat fruits and vegetables and you should eat salt and vinegar chips. peanuts are also very important as well as all kinds of juices.you can exercise three times a week, adding about 10-15 minutes of cardio.worst and most extreme case is to eat fiber one or rasin bran cereal, but that is dangerous because you might not digest anything. it is better to drink juices and cereal/fiber one bars. main point: consult with a professional fitness magazine or internet database. but it basically comes down to a specific type of diet.

eat very few calories. follow the banana diet since your goal isn t losing that much. eat a couple of bananas a day - one or two before breakfast, one before lunch, and one or two before dinner. That way, the bananas will make you feel fuller without much calories and a lot of potassium and other nutrients so you d eat less unhealthy stuff. Also, you could drink a lot of water to speed up your metabolism a bit.

No running? I think the best way to lose weight is cardio, and I find running has really worked for me. You might try elliptical machines, stationary bikes, or real bikes. Hiking, swimming, etc. Switch it up so you won t get bored. You need to get at least 30 mins of cardio, watch what you eat (vegetables, meats, fruits.....avoid soda, sugars and stuff that isn t natural) and try some strength training. www.fitnessmagazine.com has some good exercises for you to try as well as tips

fasting is fun, drink water for like 2 days straight. if you get real hungry, or just can t stand hunger pains, eat like a pinky size food every 1 hour.working out doesn t burn fat as fast as one would like, in fact it adds more weight to you cuz your muscles fill up with water.

You have to eat 6 small meals a day. When exercising you have to do 3 reps of 10 on many diffrent work out equptment. Go running every other day also try yoga you also need to detox so no sugar for a week! good luck!answer mine? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;��

We have the same problem than! I m also 14 and i weigh 114.5 Well drink green tea all da time and water.No junk food no soda .DON T SKIP MEALS eat low fat stuff Eat only meat like chicken and turkey and lots of fruits and veggies.Thank work out to burn of some fat and get muscels ^.^

Im not sure how many calories you should eat, but I would recommend eating small portions, and eating healthy, and you already exercise, so you re all set! :)

Eat little, protein is have to. Do high set and high reps with low weights to really build up a sweat. But running would help a lot to lose weight and sweat out lots of water.

if your a guy,,,,,DON T!!!!!if your a girl your perfectly fine at the wieght you are!

atkins diet. go to atkins.com eat 3 meals a day with this and run everyday. i did this and lost 20 ibs so far

don t bother.. that d be incredibly little

diet and exercise

~Try like some more weights, and less reps...

You are fine just the way you are.

you dont need to lose weight i wish i was 108 lbs