Friday, February 20, 2009

How to lose weight? -

Im a 17 year old boy. I am 6 feet in height and i weigh 13 stone.(183 pounds) and i would like to lose weight before i go back to school in september and i would also like to gain some muscles aswel. What would be the best way to start this. Because i am seriously And i dont want to over do it early on or i wont do it at all.! I also dont eat very healty food. Can anyone please give me an answer to this. Im in real bad need of an answer.!

Start off by exercising everyday... If nothing else, go for a 30 minute run.. your fitness will increase at an amazing rate as you find you are able to do more and more exercise.

I suggest going on a raw food diet.

get yourself down the gym, ask for a programme to be tailor made for you and around month 3 you willbe fit, healthy and muscle toned

Anybody can loose weight.Just follow some tips.Here is a good website offering free tips on weight loss,

watch what you eat and how much, then walk, walk, walk.

(Given w/ your info above your current BMI [website below has references] is 24.87, so your normal- going to overweight... )Try to eat a bit more healthy, such as LESS oily foods. You can still eat the food, but CONTROL yourself. Don t over eat!Fit some time for yourself to go to the gym- run, jog! Lift weights... etc. And, at home do some crunches/ sit ups everyday.In order to reach your goal, you ll have to stick to it. Don t give up! In time, you will see the differences. Good luck!