Saturday, April 25, 2009

How to lose weight? -

how to lose 15-25 pounds diet help waqnted pl0x and recimadations pl0x

Well it depends on how fast you want to lose it. Drink more water, switch to skim milk, eat less, do aerobic exercises, don t eat at night, and lay off junk food.


well...they said increasing your testosterone level help to burn fat faster...u do that by building muscle

uhh maybe you will have to exercise that what my brother did, and boy did he got skinny or what.

Diet drinks, no fried food, avoid red meat, do not eat before bed, limit portion size, and don t eat until you get that stuffed feeling. (Time to turn in your membership to the clean-platers club)

well. for start. your on this website. sitting in a chair probably eating some hohos. So, get up off your fat *** and go run on a tredmill.

why loose weight : D

Exercise and proper diet!! That s all I can say. Please do not be tempted to try to lose weight fast by consuming pills and stuff. They may help to burn fats, etc. but you still need to watch your diet and do exercise.Take up aerobics like kick boxing, go for jogs, cycling, rollerblading... all these exercises done at least 40 mins and 3 times a week, you ll be on your way to lose weight. And read up on how to count your calories so that you only eat what you need daily.If you think you do not have the discipline, then engage a fitness instructor (fitness centres do provide) to watch your progress, correct your techniques and even advise on your diet.But REMEMBER... ask for your doctor s advise before doing any exercise routine.Good Luck!!

go for a long long walk or healthy food

Maybe u should get some information about instantly reduce excess body weight at��

1 lb of fat = 3500 caloriesSo cut 3500 calories out of your weekly caloric intake for every pound you want to lose that week. (Don t cut too much)Also:*replace bad carbs w/ good carbs (whole grains, etc)*no red meat - grilled chicken or grilled fish only (don t eat too much meat either; one serving a day is plenty)*cut all junk food out (candy, chips, etc)*fill up more on veggies*if you get a sweet tooth, snack on some fruit instead of a candy bar*eat lots of fiber*drink lots of water*increase the amount of cardio you re doing*use portion control*don t eat late at night*eat 5 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones; this has been scientifically proven to increase metabolism + it reduces snacking in between meals

Well there is no shortcut way for losing wieight but u can take care of ur menu card for consistant lose in the fats. u can follow the following menu card for this. hope u will enjoy as well. please note that u can eat full stuffed with this.DAY 1 BREAKFASTcoffee or tea with sugar substitute 1/2 grapefruiteither 2 eggs any style or 2 rashens of baconLUNCHany amount of lean beef, chicken or fish + tomato salad + coffee or teaDINNERbroiled fish + tomato and lettuce salad + grapefruit or melonDAY 2 BREAKFASTcoffee or tea with sugar substitute 1/2 grapefruiteither 2 eggs any style or 2 rashens of baconLUNCHany amount of fruit salad + coffeeDINNERhamburger (without bread) and all the cooked vegetables you desireDAY 3 BREAKFASTcoffee or tea with sugar substitute 1/2 grapefruiteither 2 eggs any style or 2 rashens of baconLUNCHtuna salad + grapefruit or melonDINNER2 lean pork chops + mixed green salad + coffeeDAY 4 BREAKFASTcoffee or tea with sugar substitute 1/2 grapefruiteither 2 eggs any style or 2 rashens of baconLUNCH2 eggs + cottage cheese + 3 oz. squash + 1 toast + coffeeDINNERchicken ( grilled or broiled w/o skin ) + spinach or green pepper + coffeeDAY 5 BREAKFASTcoffee or tea with sugar substitute 1/2 grapefruiteither 2 eggs any style or 2 rashens of baconLUNCHall the dry cheese you want + spinach + 1 toastDINNERbroiled fish + cooked veggies or green salad + 1 toastDAY 6 BREAKFASTcoffee or tea with sugar substitute 1/2 grapefruiteither 2 eggs any style or 2 rashens of baconLUNCHfruit salad (as much as you want) + 1 coffeeDINNERbroiled chicken w/o skin + tomato and lettuce salad + grapefruit or melon + coffeeDAY 7 BREAKFASTcoffee or tea with sugar substitute 1/2 grapefruiteither 2 eggs any style or 2 rashens of baconLUNCHcold or hot chicken + tomato lettuce salad + grapefruit or melon + coffeeDINNERlean beef + mixed salad + coffee

It is going to take proper exercise and eating habits. It will also mean a lot of cardio...walk, use the treadmill, go on the elliptical, use the bicycle, don��t lift weight right now because you will just get heavier. Also check your diet. eat the right your starchy and sugary foods early as then you give your body a chance to use that energy instead of eating it at dinner and going to bed maybe three hours later. Also, stay ways from anything fried, and fast food, deserts, etc..., eat a ton of lean meats, which is chicken, turkey, fish, and some pork...don��t eat too much red meat, stay away from fatty meats like sausage and salami. Also, try to eat 5-8 smaller meals a day rather than 3 normal sized meals. When you eat more, but smaller meals, it keeps doesn t shock your system like when you eat a big meal, so your metabolism works much better. Lastly, drink only water. I drink 12 bottles a day, it is hard but soda and all that has empty calories and sugar which turns into fat when it is digested. Even diet soda is bad because your body is expecting something from the calories coming in, however they are empty calories with no nutrition and in effect make you hungrier. Good luck with your weight loss.

Salads,tuna fish salads,chicken salads and no soda only gatorade and stuff,that simple,easy walk for 30min every day and it ll start to show,*** all that other stuff.

We offer the following tips to help you lose weight to look better, feel better, and live a healthier life. Check out for all info regarding weight loss.

You need to both diet and exercise. Eat plenty of lean protein, lean dairy, fresh fruit and fresh veggies. Limit your junk and processed food. Then put cardio in your life. The couch to 5k program is great if you re a novice.�� Start doing a daily push ups, sit ups, pull ups, tricep dips routine. Start with what you can and add weekly. Lift weights 3x a week. If you don t have access to a gym, empty milk jugs with the amount of water you can lift can work your arms nicely. Good luck.