Monday, August 24, 2009

How slim can I get and how much weight would I lose? -

I m about to go on a camping trip and i was wondering how much weight could i lose and how slim could i get it i jump roped for 30 min a day? . Also if you have any suggestions on how to lose weight faster with jumping rope or how to eat while doing this that would be VERY helpfull. (By the way im 14)

Cut out all junk food, cut down on the amount of bread you eat, increase your vegetable and fruit portions (more veggies than fruit, though), drink lots of water, 8 cups a day. It s ideal for people losing weight as it helps you feel fuller and helps curb hunger pangs until it s time to eat again. Don t cut out a bunch of calories, just change what you eat. At your age, your body is still growing, so it s really not a good idea to count and restrict calories. Just cut down the sugar (choose fruit over a sugary snack) don t drink sodas (not even diet, there is too much controversy about the dangers of artifical sweeteners and there is now evidence that nutrasweet can cause more cravings, nullifying it s 0 calories because it makes you want to eat more). Learn what healthy portions are and try to stick with them, and if you are really hungry, pig out on vegetables, but not with cheese sauce or butter all over them. :)If you can jump rope for 30 minutes a day, that s awesome. That s 30 minutes of intense cardio, and you will definitely lose weight and get trimmer. Make sure you drink plenty of water before working out, drink plenty if you get thirsty while working out, and drink plenty after working out, as it helps your body flush the toxins it released while you were exercising, and helps energize you. Good luck!