Monday, August 10, 2009

How to lose weight in the THIGHS and BUTT? -

I want lose about 10 pounds. But i dont know how....please help!

there are lots of gymnastics for those problem zones. Basically any workout that has to do with walking, jumping, stepping, bicycling, or lifting the legs, lying on the floor, backwards and sidewards - hard to explain in short - when it gives you literally a pain in the a* it helps.You should do some kind of workout every day (not until it hurts of course), and specially concentrate on the problem zones. Also control what you eat - burning more calories through exercise then you take in is a sure way to loose weight fairly quickly. With enough exercise you do not really need a complicated diet plan - just avoid fat and too much sweets, drink at least one liter water a day in addition to what else you drink (no sodas and such).

If you don t like walking then dancing is good too.

work out

If you want to loose in the postior and legs walk at least two miles a day and you will loose i promise you if you don t start eating lots of fats and carbs.

Cardio, squats, lunges, leg extensions. Too easy.

squats and low fat diet

That is my problem area too, and I now do the Pilates bun and thigh sculpting. You can buy the Windsor Pilates DVD s and do them at home. I started doing it about a month ago, three to four times a week and have seen amazing results. I m very pleased with how much my butt is lifted and how much smaller my thighs are.

Cycling n swimmin will b good fr u!

It is not possible to direct our bodies to burn fat from a particular area.Take sit-ups for example, they can help to hold in your stomach. But to reduce the size of your mid-section, you would do just as well to perform any exercise that you enjoy.Burn the calories and the fat will come off right where you want it to. It just may come off there last.

Run/walk uphill. Ride a bike.

Walking or running would help alot. But you also need to go on a diet, cut off sugars and fats. If you keep eating sweets and junk food you will never loose the weight even if you runn and exercise all day long.