Friday, August 14, 2009

How to lose weight....? - the prom is going to be this year and i want to get in shape.not skinny but at least normal.can some give me some tips on how to lose weight???

why are you going to the prom if you are only 13????

Diet Recommendation Okay. Cut out eating in between meals. Only eat healthy food and cut down on Carb s like bread, potatoes, pasta s, rice, cereals, lollies, fruits etc.These are the fat making foods.Learn exactly what your food groups are so you then know what puts the weight on and off.Don t add salt to your meals.Cut out sweet soft drinks.Then walk an hour every morning approximately two hours after a meal and the same in the afternoon.If you can jog in between both sessions you ll burn even more calories.But just do what your body lets you do.Walking is just as good combined with diet control.You should lose and continue to lose more weight as you go.Watch the scale readings every day as you should be coming down in weight to your required natural weight for your height etc.If you can cut out your lunch meal and replace it with a protein drink instead that would also help.Available in supermarkets like the product called Slim Right .As long as you can stay off junk food and eating in between meals.If you have to eat something in between have something like small raw carrots or celery sticks.Herbal teas, low fat milk and water are your best choice of drinks.Summary:Choose a cereal low in sugar for breakfast.Remember all cereals are carbohydrates!Lunch can best be a protein drink. Like Slim Right .And have all normal meals at a normal serve.Cut down on potatoes and only have small portions of these.Walking as much as you can.Add some jogging if you can.For those that want to build more muscle add some gym work to the above as well.Technical Stuff:All our bodies require a specific quantity of a protein level.The protein is taken from the food we eat.If we eat higher concentrations of protein from specific foods like say meat then that level is reached quickly.If we don t eat enough protein then our body searches for other sources of protein contained within the Carbohydrates.Carbohydrates only contain a small amount of protein so we end up consuming too much of it just to get out limit of protein.At the same time absorbing too much sugar from the carbohydrates and in turn too much weight.This is how and why we put on weight.Many people over eat because they don t consume enough protein from the right sources.Then they over compensate by binge eating carbohydrate type foods.Always check with your doctor before going on any weight reduction or change of diet program.

Dont eat food for one week... juice up... lots of water... no alcahol... jog alot.. dont smoke..

Swimming is a really good exersise to do, but you don t loose weight, you gain muscle. Yoga might be fun and be a good way to get in shape. Also you might think about joining some kind of sport or club. Usually just going out for a walk for maybe a half hour and eating well (Fruit s and Vegetables, chicken, and lots of water) will do the trick. Make sure you stretch before you do any kind of exersise though, and even if you don t like water, you should drink three bottles of water everyday, because it cleans up your system and helps you loose more weight. Prom is a really amazing time and you want to look your best, so I envy you for doing this. Have fun while loosing weight too remember...=] Nicole.

diet and exercise. also drinking ice cold water can burn alot of calories because your body has to heat it up. and alot of vegetables actually have negative calories so try eating alot of those. the more of them you eat, the more weight you lose. you don t have to starve yourself to lose weight, you can eat as much as you want. and it s healthy so that s a plus :) good luck!

start running, go to a gym if you can eat like 4 small meals and light snacks , special k is good in the morning, pb j is good for lunch for protein if that helps