Work the entire area of the thigh when working out. Work the inner, side, front, back and buttocks. Exercises such as the bicycle, leg lifts, leg slides, squeezing a stability ball and leg raises help slim the thighs. Move aerobically to burn fat. Remember that diet and exercise are key to smaller hips. Good lower body exercises include walking, biking and running. Perform aerobic exercise for a minimum of one 30-minute session five times a week. Target movements in spot reducing exercises to tighten the muscles beneath the fat for a slimmer look. Think of the movement that comes from moving your legs out from your side. For example, in a standing side leg lift, lift your leg sideways slowly and purposefully. It is best to hold onto something to maintain your balance. This is also a very effective exercise using cable resistance if you have access to a weight training room. Do side lunges. Take a step to the side with one foot, bending at the knee. Bend the other leg slightly but not as much. Feel the stretch in your legs and hip. Repeat on the other side. This is also a good exercise to do with hand weights. Stick your foot through some ankle weights and lift your leg from a lying down position. Exercise bands looped around your instep also work to increase resistance. Crouch on your hands and knees with your back straight. With your head up, lift one leg while keeping the knee bent at a 90-degree angle. Slowly lower your leg to the floor and repeat with the other leg. Sit in a chair with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on the outside of your knees. Push your hands and knees against each other. Hold for one minute. Reduce the amounts of carbohydrates and fats in your diet. If you notice that your thighs store fat, then any excess fat from food and drink will go straight to your thighs. Drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables, drink skim milk, low fat dressings and fat free cream cheese and other cream based products.Begin a walking routine. Walking helps slim down the body overall and won t bulk up your leg muscles like jogging will. Find access to a weight room at the YMCA or at work. Several weight machines focus on the hips, including the leg press, leg curl and leg extension.Good Luck!
If you are really seriously to loss wait and tone up your body. Then do not trust anyone. Just follow only advice of expert.Because only this way you can achieve this goal. OK So that I am going to introduce you turbulence training program which world best fat loss program. This revolutionaryProgram developed by Craig Ballantyne.he is world-renowned Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), and author of too many articles to count in magazines such as Men s Health, Men s Fitness, Oxygen, and Maximum Fitness and he has developed a revolutionary new fat loss system called Turbulence Training, which was designed specifically to help busy men burn the most belly fat in the least amount of workout time - and without using dreaded cardio exercise.This program helps lot of people to loss wait and tones their body including me. So I am sending you a link of that program and i wish you good luck.��
Eat well but only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. To have more satisfaction out of ur food, Chew each morsel at least 32 times. This will also activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals. Do not go on fast or starvation diet.Nothing other than water in between. No special diet, call it by any name or program helps as one cannot adopt them on permanent basis. Diet pills are chemicals and per se bad and shud be avoided unless the doc considers it necessary looking at ur condition.Take light exercises and brisk walks for 30 min.regularly preferably on empty stomach and twice a day. Do not overdo.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time and hassle free. If aiming at weight reduction, it is desirable not to go beyond 1lb/week.Be patient and not in a hurry. U cannot choose spots for reduction.This schedule can be adopted on permanent basis to lead a healthy life and maintain weight.
go jogging. i was 1.71m and 63kg (that s rather thin to begin with). i did some hardcore jogging like 5km a day for my crosscountry and im now 58kg. its highly effective =) dun nid any training schedule. just jog jog jog
Head to your local gym and just tell them what your looking to do and where your looking to tone and stuff like that and the will make you a plan and you can go from there.
pilates would help��
walk or jog, this will tone you up and avoid painful one to three pound weights to carry as you walk, this will speed up your efforts/ wishes!
go running!! =)its awesome