Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I am 13 years old and I weigh 149 pds. I was wanting some suggestions on how to lose weight.? -

I would really like to get down to about 130 pounds before fall. If you have any suggestions on how I could lose at least 15 pounds before fall, I would really appreaciate them.

NO MORE SUGAR SODA....Stop that and lose 20lbs in a few months.

Cut out all carbs for a few weeks. No bread, potatoes, corn, rice, cereal, pasta, fruit, tomatoes, beans (except green beans) and peas. Lots of meat and green vegs. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. No fruit juice or soda. Walk every day

Exercise and get out of the house. Start doing activity. Play sports. Run. Eat less and eat a well balanced meal. Stop snacking, eating sugary foods, and begin eating more healthier stuff. I drink lots of water too and less sodas. I eat lots of salads and i don t eat out much and if I do I eat healthy stuff.Used to weight 160 and was getting fatter everyday back in my teens. I had to change my ways. Now I am around 135. Also some medications affects your weight. I had to take a drug that started making me hungry and I had gained weight off that. I stopped it after I realized it wasn t helping me.

In order to lose weight, exercise and eating habits go hand in hand.As far as exercise, you need to start by being more active. Lifting weights is okay, but you would get more out of low weights and aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise includes using a bike, walking on a treadmill, swimming, or taking an aerobics class. As compared to lifting weights, these types of activities are less strenuous on your joints. The main goal of doing these exercises is to increase your metabolism. If you decide to do some weights, a great exercise are squats. When doing squats, you are actually using the biggest muscles in your body. These are your quadricep muscles in your legs. Exercising these muscles will burn a lot of calories.As far as diet, never ever skip meals. If you skip a meal, the body subconsciously thinks that there is a food shortage, that when you do eat, it will purposely hold and store calories for the next time it thinks there is a shortage of food. What you should do is eat smaller quantities more frequently. For example, have a big breakfast to start off the day. This is where you will get most of your energy from. If you have to, you can have a small snack in between breakfast and lunch, such as an apple or orange. Your lunch meal should be smaller than the breakfast meal, and again, you can have a snack in between lunch and dinner. Now dinner should be your smallest meal of the day. Think about it. Why would you load up on a lot of calories at the end of the day, when you re about to go to sleep? You do not expend extra calories for sleeping! In fact, your metabolism slows down while you are asleep. Remember, eat to live, not live to eat.If you can modify your lifestyle and your diet, you will see some changes. I hope this helps. Just to let you know, this is just a guideline. If you start to exercise with weights, I seriously recommend to meet with a trainer to make sure your body mechanics are fine. It s very easy to pull a muscle or hurt a joint. Also, just watch what you eat. No more junk food or fast food.

Wow, 13 and worrying about dieting. Just be who God meant you to be, whether it is someone needing to lose 15 lbs or someone needing to gain 15 lbs. 13 is to young to start thinking like that, go play kickball and you will not have to think about such things.

have you parents take you to a dietitian, they will work up a sensible diet for you.

hey hun,your only 13, your young and your body is still developing. Don t go on a diet, they work for awhile but then you usually gain all the weight back.. what you should do is try to develop a new healthy life style!for examplea couple of times a week do some excersize 2-3 times a week for like 20 minalso eat until ur satisfied .. you don t have to finish all the food on your could eat whatever you want but try to limit yourself when it comes to carbs.Don t drink while you eat. drinking fills you up but it goes away quickly when you go to the bathroom then u get hungry again... try to stay away from soda.. they re not only fattning but they are bad for you because they have soo much caffenine which is really a lot of fruits and veggies and drink a glass of water before every meal.. it ll fill you up.. DO NOT go on any diet pills, they are super bad.. they might work on some people but when they stop takin the pills they gain all the weight back plus more they are just not healthy ..but anyways.. good luck i hope i helpedand remember.. don t let anyone put you down because of your weight! your still really young, enjoy life!

When my son was 15, he was 6 3 and weighed 280#. He dropped 40# by working.

Drink plenty of water eat fruit and vegetables keep awayfrom the sugary snacks take plenty of exercise and you will be fit and healthy in no time.

If you have a free schedule, you can try pilates or yoga. Thats a fun thing to do over the summer, it strengthens your core muscles, while helping you tone and shape your body. It also gives you flexibility, balance, and self discipline. If you don t want to do pilates, try walking/jogging/running a mile or two a day. Walk somewhere, get a bottle of water, walk back, and regualrly do situps or crunches. Eat healthy - salads, meats, and vegitables. Try avoiding snack foods - but they re good once in a while. :]Worked for me. :)

Get active! The summer is coming up you are thirteen, ride your bike (if you have one), go for walks, think about trying out some sports) Its not hard get out the house you will feel alot better too.