Thursday, September 10, 2009

Can Any One Tell Me Please How To Lose Weight In my Thighs (14 years old)? -

Hey emh i was wondering does any one no how to lose weight in ur thighs...i play sport(soccer)and im 8stone and my stomach is perfect and so is every were else except my thighs ! please someone tell me !! what not to eat or what to eat i dont know !!PLEASE :(


If you are athletic, chances are you have muscle that is sculpting your thighs. That being said, if you want to tighten the area, you will want to use a stationary bike on zero resistance and peddle as fast as you can for 20-30 mins non stop. Do this 3-5 times a week. I know it works because I have always been incredibly thin, but still maintain more weight in my thighs and it always helps.

You don t need to loose weight from anywhere - you are 14! The only thing you could do is tone up, but by playing soccer that will happen on it s own. You shouldn t be so body conscious. You can eat nothing but green beans for a week and it still won t change the size or shape of your thighs, that will only change through toning.Take care,x

It s your age, it s what we used to call puppy fat. It will go in time.You shouldn t need to diet the best think to do is walking or ride a bike.Your body is still developing and exercise is the best thing, diets may mean you lose out on vital nutrients essential to your development and can lead to problems with your periods.

You can t just lose weight in one area. That s not how our bodies work. You can, however, tone the muscles in one area. Find exercises that tone your thighs, and you will get the best results. You are only 14, so don t overdo it. Your body is still changing.��You can fine a good product for your problem in hereGood luck to you

you body is fine stop complaining people would die for you body its probably not fat its muscle you sound rather sportie

Your 14 years old!Don t start by getting influenced by the media at this age