Monday, September 21, 2009

How To Lose weight by cycling? -

I m 18 years old and cannot afford to go to the gym due to my busy schedule. I cycle a lot though i don t know what exact routine i should follow in order to lose wieght on my legs and arms. Please tell me how i can lose weight by cycling and what changes should i incorporate into my diet ( which consists of a lot of meat, chicken and junk right now)

You should be cycling at a pace where you can talk but not shout, this is the best fat burning zone. If you had a pulse monitor that would be about 70% of maximum. At first 1 hour every other day would be enough to show a difference in weight and more importantly your fitness, muscles are heavier than fat, but they are leaner, so you would look thinner and your clothes would be looser.Cut out the meat and junk food, chicken is OK, try more fish, fruit and vegetables, less bread will make a difference.

The trick with any exercises is to do it until you are pushing yourself. If you aren t , then it s probably not doing any good. So cycle until your heart is beating ast and you are out of breath.YOur legs will build muscle quite quickly, so it s worth measuring them before you start to lse the weight as muscle weighs heavier than fat. Cycling won t buildmusclee in your arms but you will lose weight if you cycle hard and it will go form your arms too.. again measure them because you ay notice a loss in inches before you see it on the scales.As to diet.. lose the junk food :). Chicken is good but try and cut down on lots of red meat. replace it with lots of vegetables and fruit .. Eat some fish or meat within quarter of an hour after being on your bike though to feed the muscles..Good luck with it all! Oh, and if you want to find out how many calories youshouldd be eating, go to and put in your stats .. it s free to do and very helpful!!