Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to lose weight fast? -

I want to lose weight th fastest way I can. As we all know, summer is approaching and it s the time to go swimming, I would really like to actually take my shirt off and not feel so insecure. I m aiming to lose around 20-30 pounds, I d just like some sense of direction, as to what exercises to do, for how long, and how often. I WILL NOT starve myself, go on crash diets, undergo surgery, ect. Please help, it s appreciated!

Cardio is the best and quickest way to lose weight. If you run several miles a day (with a day off to rest) you could potentially lose 3lbs a week. It will most likely be 1-2lb a week loss. Can you run 5 miles a day, for 3 days then take 1 day off for rest? You could try doing High Intensity Interval Training so you would have to run hard for 30 seconds, then walk for 30-60 seconds, then repeat. You don t need to starve yourself, what you need to do is not eat junk food, drink soda, snack or eat late at night. Make sure to stay hydrated with water and eat protein to build muscle, the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn while your body is idle. If you add in some resistance training then you will increase the amount of calories you burn, you could try putting weights inside a backpack then wearing the backpack while you run. Just don t make it to heavy.

You don t need to do much, watch what you eat though, when you make yourself a meal to eat, make sure it s 60 carbs, no more, when you have snacks, you can have 20 carbs. For excercise, just spend spend time playing a sport or something, swimming, running, whatever you like for half an hour at least 2 or 3 times a week. My doctor told me to do this, it worked out very well for me. It seems like much to do, but it really isn t if you are determined to get it done. For children the carbs would be 45 per meal and 15 per snack. hope this helps you :)

Follow just 10 easy steps to lose weight fast.1. Drink water with lemon or herbal tea with lemon, at least eight 8 oz. glasses a day.2. Foods should be eaten in as close to their natural state. No artificial anything.3. Eat three portion controlled meals a day.4. For breakfast -- choose three of the following: one cup with skim milk of healthy cereal or oatmeal, one boiled or poached egg, yogurt with acidophilus, fruit or juice.5. For lunch -- eat a small portion of protein about 6 oz. and a cup of any vegetable, and one to two cups of leafy greens.6. For dinner -- eat a small portion of protein about 6 oz. and a cup of any vegetable, and one to two cups of leafy greens.7. Use natural seasoning and herbs. Use olive oil and vinegar.8. Choose fresh or frozen with no added ingredients. Choose organic if possible.9. Use a two week intestinal cleanse.10. Exercise at least a half hour a day.Good luck!

get one of those work out balls and do curl ups it works i did it for oly a week saw results!