Your friend needs help before she develops a serious eating disorder.Laxatives cause your body to expel food before your body gets any goodness so she will not get any vitamins etc she needs.Her skin will deteriorate and look bad, she will lose weight too fast and damage her muscles, her organs will be damaged and her teeth will start to rot from the acid in her vomit.Be a good friend and talk to her, nothing is worth putting her life at risk
She will have major health issues if she keeps this up. By the way the vomiting will ruin her teeth as well. Tell her to cut out all carbs for a few weeks. No bread, potatoes, corn, rice, cereal, pasta, fruit, tomatoes, beans (except green beans) and peas. Lots of meat and green vegs
Yes and she will eventually get very sick.A friend of mine did that for 2 years 15 years ago. She s still suffering from the damage done to herself. The nerves in her feet and ankles are completely messed up and her stomach will never get completely better. She has chronic pains in her belly, her doctor (and two others she s seen trying to get a different opinion) has told her this all because of her laxative use and hurling years ago.Please tell your friend not to ruin her body. A skinny body is not worth a lifetime of pain.
Yes she can. I hope you can get her to stop. This is definitely UNHEALTHY!
she won t really lose weight exactly she won t get any food in her stomach so she won t gain, but she will be undernourished.
Stomach acid eats away at the teeth...she ll get dependant on laxitives and have nothing but problems at best and a very slow horrid death at worst
yes, she will, but this is a really stupid idea
Wow, yes but that is terrible for her... if she is going to do it makes sure she takes vitamins so she doesnt get malnurished..and drinks a **** ton of water because the laxitives will dehydrate her.... WHOLLY UNSAFE AND DUMB but if she is set on doing it make sure she doesnt kill herself.
Yep, she will lose weight. And her hair, and her tooth enamel, and all the necessary vitamins in her system, and her muscles, but she will loose weight.
don t know about that, but there is a chance of your friend becoming Bulimic if they carry on. Get them to the doc s asap.
Probably...but, she ll also lose electrolytes and other nutrients. Not to mention, her teeth can start to decay from frequent vomiting, and she can do damage to her esophagus.
no she ll throw her body into shock, and shut down vital organs. just don t eat soo much and exercise a little
Your friend needs help. You need to help her this is a very unhealthy cycle, Don t try it. Once in college my girl friends and I decided to try laxatives to loose weight and we were all sooooo sick! one of my friends couldn t controll her pooping, and did it on the way to class!!!! in her pants!!! It will mess up your body and you may even need one of those bags that your poop goes in someday. Vomiting ruins your tooth enamal and you can get blood shot eyes, not to mention screwing up your eletrolytes! You will get very sick, maybe not right away but trust me!!! Its bad news, Would you rather exercise and loose the weight normally or have rotten teeth $hitting in your pants in front of everyone!! How pretty is that?
she will lose weight rapidly but so she will gain it when she starts eating properly. so it s not worth risking your health. so make her stop and suggest her more excercize and eating healthier food. it worked for me and i ve lost more kilos than with not eating properly so hopefully it ll work for her too.
You might want to make your friend aware of what likely led to Terri Schiavo s coma: In the debate over what should happen to Terri Schiavo, many lose sight of the facts and background of Terri��s medical history. Terri Schiavo had bulimia which produced a potassium imbalance which in turn caused a cardiac arrest. This shut off blood flow to her brain, much of which then died. Today her cranium is largely filled with spinal fluid, not brain matter. So, the answer to your question might be . . . She will rapidly lose weight until her family and doctors insert a feeding tube into her comatose body.
yeah, she ll lose weight very rapidly and then she ll be like anorexic and then DIE!
yes she can lose weight fast but it is unhealthy!!!!! When she stops doing it she might gain the weight back because she is starving herself so her body will store all the food into fat cells. Plus if she loses a lot her skin will hang and sag because she is losing it too fast. she should eat her weight in cals. say she ways 150 she should eat 1500 calories a day and as she loses weight she should reduce the calorie intake until she reaches around 1200 calories. Exercise 20min 3x a week and eat healthy and follow the cal. she should lose weight pretty quick. you shouldn t eat four hours before you go to bed if you want to lose weight so your body has the chance to burn the calories. High metabolism is the key. You should try to help your friend before she gets into a nasty habit that turns into a deadly disease!!!!