Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How do i lose weight fast? -

i need to lose weight fast(possibly 10 pounds)and i want to wear my bikini and look nice in it how do i lose it now.P.S im younger than 17

cut back on any crap you re eating and go run outside everyday

I m going to tell you what I do...because that ll probably help the best. It works for me:)You need to tone up. By lifting weights AND doing cardio, you ll be very trim. Here is my typical diet which is low-fat high protein...great for minimizing fat and building muscle. its better to eat more than less...if you dont eat your body uses its muscles for energy and you lose your muscle, therefore, burning less calories during the day. eat when your hungry and stop when your full. cut back your calories maybe a few hundred...it helps me when i write out what i eat. don t EVER be discouraged though...tell yourself well at least i feel better from working out and if you keep encouraging yourself and being positive, you will probably end up pigging out less and being healthy and losing weight. plateus happen all the time during workouts btw. you need to change the workout and confuse the body if that happens. the BEST site ever is fitnessmagazine.com. you need to make a account and they have the GREATEST workouts ever. Go to search and type in 4 wk makeover and it gives you weight trianing and cardio workouts. I did the weight training the other day and I m sooo sore! The cardio also burns a lot. this is what I eat...and I used to hate eating veggies...but now it tastes fine. push yourself to eat more veggies and fruits, lots of protein, and low-fat foods for a week...and you ll get used to it:) nuts, olive oil and this kind of diet is key to not bloating and feeling so skinny and it eventually shows. you can eat any fruits and veggies btw. take 2-a-day multivitamins. this is just what i ate today:) email me if you have any questions.Breakfast1 medium-sized Gala apple 1 wheat toast with little olive oil 2 egg whites walked 10 min SnackShelled walnuts(? cup) 20 Grapes Exercise: 400 sit-ups cardio training workout After workout: 1 scoop whey protein w/ 8 oz skim milk 45 min walk Lunch 1 cup whole wheat spaghetti w/ olive oil and garlic 18 baby carrots 1 stalk(large) celery Black tea w/ spearmint 10 min walk Snack 18 mini pretzels Dinner6 oz. chicken breast 1 cup skim milk 6 leaves Boston lettuce 30 min walk ? scoop Casein protein before bedsucking in your stomache is used to strengthen your abs, back, and straighten you up. I did this in physical therapy because I always slouched and had back issues. your muscles will get stronger and after a while you start losing fat in your stomache

you need to find an exercise and eating (notice I didn t say DIET) plan that works for you; You also need to find a strenuous physical activity that you actually enjoy, it might just be walking. Pretty soon your friends will be asking you for advice!Good luck, you can do this!!search How do i lose fast weight?http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oGkkYXshBI1.kAuDhXNyoA?p=-answers.yahoo+%22How+do+i+lose+fast+weight%3F%22+loseweighthappy y=Search fr=yfp-t-501 ei=UTF-8 fp_ip=CN rd=r1 meta=vc%3Dcn

Go and read this article:http://www.dsib.org/weight_loss?utm_source=sm utm_medium=blog_posts utm_term=Weight_Loss utm_campaign=SM for REAL information on what works for weight loss. Don t fall for a bunch of hype or pills or tricks. You need to take a realistic approach that involves diet and exercise together.

Cut on the sugar and fat. Eat whole grain. Do aerobic exercises every other day at first, then everyday.

Go eat @ Subway.

throw up with mr.pukie