Monday, September 17, 2012

How can i lose weight fast? -

im almost 13 years old and compared to a lot of other people i look kinda fat and im not proud of it. i am kinda lazy but i try to do sports. and a problem i have with losing Weight is i love sugar so it is hard to eat healthier.please help me!!!

You are not alone.Go for walks, when you do take some snacks with you. have you tried dried fruit, they have a lot of natural sugars in them and do taste really good.I am sure you are almost ready for a new growth spurt and you will surprise yourself with your size. At least you aren t ignoring the issue. Knowing what you are eating and what you could be doing is the first thing to do.

If you really want to lose weight, you just need to know the right tricks. Here s an article that can help almost anyone get thinner. I hope you see results soon!

go for a walk once or twice a day , stay away from lots of carbs ..and eat healthy ,there is a certain kind of tea , idn what its called but it helps ,and eat rice ! it fulls you right up and makes you not hungry for more food !

Well, no pain no gain (or loss in this case). When you like to enjoy junk food, you pay a price. Gotta stop eating so much and do some exercise.

try not to eat sugar foods try to exercise!!!!!!!

u could by a wii fit it is 100 dollars but it really gets u exercising and its so fun