Saturday, July 26, 2014

How can i lose weight fast but with out diet pills? -

assuming you want to lose fat and not just weight, which could be water weight, lean muscle tissue or heck, you could cut your hair and lose weight , you can t lose fat fast. Fast comes off pretty slowly, at a rate of about 1-2 pounds per week. Anything else you lose over that is probably water weight or lean muscle tissue. You want to keep all the lean muscle you have and your best bet is to add more with resistance exercise. Muscle is more metabolically active then fat and will help you burn calories even at rest. So, find a healthy diet you can live with, start an exercise program and don t get in a hurry.

I think you would find this website interesting and helpful. Its packed with information and resources on weight loss while you eat your favourite foods. Report Abuse

exercise exercise losing weight fast is very bad for you. It is a slow gradual process.

Cut out all carbs for a few weeks. No bread, potatoes, corn, rice, cereal, pasta, fruit, tomatoes, beans (except green beans) and peas. Lots of meat and green vegs

Try a macrobiotic-inspired detoxifying diet. I lost about 25 pounds in two months by sticking to Dr. Joshi s Holistic Detox (see It really boosted my energy levels- I stopped buying a bus pass and started walking EVERYWHERE!

don t eat!

Cut out all the carbs. Do the South Beach / Atkins diet, in 2 weeks you ll have dropped the weight.

This is what worked for me. My Dr. recommened The Medifast Diet. It is Soy Protein. It teaches you to eat 5-6 small meals a day every 2-3 hours to speed up your metabolism. You will lose weight quickly with very little exercise. I have lost 30 lbs. so far. If you want the number to Medifast just e-mail me at

first, you should see how many calories it takes for you to maintain the weight you are at. __________ x ______________________ = total calories your weight----how much you excercisemultipy weight by..10 if you don t work out. you sit around alot. 15 if you walk, average workouts, you re active.20 if you are an athlete.after you find out how many calories you need, reduce the number. work out more with more intensity, and eat smaller, more frequent meals, and make sure that breakfast is the biggest. you could also try a detox (look some up at, which would help you get rid of toxins in your body that might be harming your weightloss effort. eat good, nutritional foods, and on the detox, you can t drink coffee, alcohol or soda. that dietary change will work for the better! your diet should only be 20% fat.fluxuate your daily caloric intake in order to trick your metabolism into not staying regular by eating (still under the amount you need) different amounts of calories each day. ie.. you need to be under 2000, so one day, eat 1300, the next eat 1200, next 1000, next 1300. good luck, and stay routine! drink h2o!