Saturday, July 26, 2014

How to lose weight fast in ur arms? -

my body fine its just my arms i dont like how can i tone them up?

You cannot lose weight in just one area. You can tone your arms by starting a strength training routine. Invest in a good weight lifting book for beginners. You will find one at any large book store. That s where you need to start.

Sadly, you can not target any one specific area on your body where you will lose fat. Normally your trouble area will be the last place that you lose fat, but if you stick with a good workout program you can definitely do it. For one, make sure you are getting a good well-balanced diet. Two... Resistance training is very important. Not to bulk you up or anything, but to give your whole body a nice toned look. You may want to break up your workout routines into working 2-3 specific muscle groups and focus on more low-weight/high repetitions to get a more toning rather than bulking effect. Also, make sure to change up your routines fairly regularly so your body does not get used to your workouts and you continue to see results. Three... After you do an intense 30 minute resistance training workout, I would spend about another 30 minutes doing some form of cardio. You will actually burn more calories overall from resistance training (calories burned from both the workout and when your muscles rebuild) than you will from cardio, but they are both very important.Do workouts like this 3-4 times a week and I think you will see the desired result. The main focus should be on your full body and achieving maximum caliories burned rather than focusing just on your arms. Hope this was somewhat helpful and sorry I wasn t able to offer you some fix-it-all supliment! LOL

Heya i have the exact same problem my arms look out of place lol! try sum exercise regimes look sum up on the net thats what im doing! :-)hope this helps good luck

i heard if you put surand wrap around them it makes u sweat and loose fat