Sunday, March 27, 2016

How to lose alot of Weight Fast? -

I have been doing 100 sit-ups for 3 months now and i haven t seen any results i even stopped drinking soda and only drank water. I tried vomiting but i have Agliophobia (fear of pain) and vomiting sucks anyway i need to lose weight fast for something important

The best plan for weight loss, in my opinion is to:1) Balance your diet (ommiting foods high in trans fat) and eating in moderation, and making an effort to include foods from the food groups. The most managable way to do this effectively without getting too infatuated is to refrain from eating fatty foods.2) The best form of exercise is swimming. It not only burns calories, fast, but relaxes you psychologically, builds up lung capacity, and works out your entire body.With regard to your 100 sit-ups, if you did that daily for 3 months, and didn t notice any results, then a possible imbalance could have potentially occured with your body (poor muscle memory, lack of consistency, or even improper dieting).The key fact with loosing weight is that one must be fully dedicated to loosing the weight and it all boils down to one thing: CONSISTENCY.For example, the bodies abdominal muscles naturally have a six pack. However, body fat can accumulate and hinder in the bodies natural configuration.For other tips and workout/dieting see this website:, vomiting as a mean of loosing weight has several ramifications if pursued. This can potentially lead to phsycholigical problems like OCD, Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa, and has high risks of damaging the body physically. For example physically it can cause poisining, brain tumors, gastritis (imflammation of stomach lining), or even icranial pressure which can cause irregularities in the way the brain circulates blood. Please don t continue voluntarily vomitingI hope this has helped.

Amazing Weight Loss!!Lose weight fast and effortlessly using the latest technology. Its not a diet or a pill. Expect to lose between 10-15 pounds weekly. Must see!!-Joelhttp://losew8fast.blogspot.com

100 situps a day isnt going to do anything. Cut your cal intake and get on a tredmill. When you lose 5 pounds dont reward yourself with a giant steak and a cheese cake for dessert or your back to square one.


you could try some chinese herbal tea. it cleanses out your body. go to a chinese store and ask. and exercise. running is the best

well..throwing up wouldnt be the best optionif you want to lose weight the fastest..dont eat for a couple days..if you want to lose weight the healthy weigh..go on a low carb high protein fewer calories..etc

Loosing weight fast is always an unhealthy thing.There are many diets who tell you that you can loose a lot of weight in no time. And it is working, but you are doing no good to your body. And there s also the Jojo-effect.The best thing to loose and hold a healthy weight is healthy food, less sugar, lots of drinking water, and sports.Diet has to begin in your head. And you already started to think about your nutrition. That s an important step. It is too easy just to make a magazine-diet for 2-3 weeks and loose some weight. But it will come back soon again. If you are over-thinking your nutrition and activity, you will have a constantly good result. Isn t that much better and healthier than a crash-diet ?Loosing a lot of weight fast doesn t mean to slim your tummy. It s not working that way. It s a long process to bring your tummy back in shape.You are pretty the way you are , honey. Don t do anything bad to your body. And don t listen to people who want to sell you diet pills or other stuff. It is a dangerous thing.please check this artical: --How can I lose weight fast.?-- -- task=view id=187 Itemid=62 -- Keep on doing your thing.Take care,J.Z :-)


Losing weight is a simple equation: if you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. Start off by estimating how many calories you burn each day using the calorie calculator�� This will give you an idea of how many calories to eat. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. To lose 1 pound per week you need to create a calorie deficit (burn more than you eat) of 500 calories per day. To lose 2 pounds a week, you have to double the deficit to 1000 calories per day. You can achieve this by eating less, exercising more or a combination of both.Beginners Guide to Dieting -��