Thursday, May 19, 2016

How do you lose weight fast? -

Everyone wants fast results, but nothing has been shown to do that without causing other problems. every quick fix pill that has ever come along has been shown to damage the heart or liver. also you cannot pick and chose where the fat comes from. you can t reduce your legs, stomach or hips by design. you lose weight, and your body uses its fat stores however it sees fit.Your best bet, and the only thing that has been proven to work is a lifestyle change. you have to begin eating right and start getting much more active. focus on healthy/whole foods like fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains. avoid sugar, salt, simple carbs like rice, potatoes and white flour. limit dairy such as milk, cheese, butter, and watch fats like oils.

eating food in smaller portions and not proceeding pass 4-5 meals a day. your portions of what you eat should be the size of your palm. running and weight training are both fast ways to burn calories and as a result shredding fat. Women generally prefer toning than having big muscles. so when you workout with weight lift light weights that also burn calories and shred fat, plus the bonus is having a beautiful body that is toned in all the right areas.

lose weight properly, slowly, or you run the risk of ruining your metabolism. When you lose weight too quickly your body will think you are starving and slow down your metabolism so you can survive. The problem with that is your body will then pack on weight when you start eating normally again. Best advice is eat healthy, excercise, and lose about 1-2 pounds a week. Eat 6 meals a day and work out 30 minutes a day.

im a girl and i go by lex too! hahabut the healthiest way to lose weight fast is to limit your calories to 1400 a day and do an hour of cardio a day. (make sure your sweating)eat mostly vegeatbles, lean meats, fruits and whole wheat breads/pasta/brown riceeat 6 mini meals a day made up of about 215 calories to keep your metabolism up high ( so you burn calories faster)how many pounds do you want to lose?how much do you weigh now?one pound of fat is 3500 calories by the way...

Heyzz this is Shalzz add me on i think it d be awesome to talk to you we ahve loads in common lmao and i have ana bloun ge too but i NEVER use it... i use my elliptical for 25 minutes on average day and i eat very healthy but some times lose my way and eat too much or too littlep.s i only want to lose weight because graduation is comign up and i actually want to fit in a dress by the way how much do you weigh? whats your height? we need to know all that before you do exercise and oh i personally have trouble in my thigh areas and a bit of fat on my arms.... just liek your other comment i didnt help you but w.e just wanted to open up.

hi eat heathy and do heaps of cardio exersise heaps