Friday, August 12, 2016

Show me how to lose weight? -

first of all do not believe in any weight lost shakes or pills and anything like this. This is all temporarily and have many side effects. And stay away from slim diet lol. drink lots of watereat boil eggs and when frying eggs, loose the yolk and eat the whites only.Add whole grain and wheat bread to your diet. Loose soda and sugary juices. Orange juice is good for you. Make homemade banana and strawberry milk shakes with fat free milk. Grill chicken and grill fish is good for pork or red meat. Lots of veggies and fruits. 1-2 cups of veggies and at least 3 pieces of fruits every day. Believe me you will see results in a month. walk at least 30 min a day. Good for you.If you want to go to gym thats a plus. Best of luck

Don t starve your self no matter what! Firstly it s REALLY unhealthy and also you can end up looking flabby. A healthy way: Drink at least 8 cups of water each day, so you clense your self naturally and it can take up your tummy space so you aren t hungry. But you still have to eat your veggies, and reduce meat. I m chinese so I eat more veggies than meat, so that s how I stay thin. Also do a sport that you LIKE. When I was at risk at being overweight, I started drinking water and stopped eating when I was bored. The water takes up your tummy space so you don t wanna eat and you feel full.If you don t like excersizing, just do something you like. Like exploring the woods, or swimming. Or even taking care of a baby, (babysitting) which is really tiring. I have a baby bro, and I baby sit him.NOTE!! don t do thoes steriods or pills, they are dangerous to your health!If you eat in small portions over a period of time, it helps too..

exersize!!!!!!dont eat foods that are bad for youeat veggies and make sure that u still eat carbs because they give u energy

I can t show you, but I can tell you.In order to lose weight you re going to need a 500 calorie deficit, right?So if you eat 2,000 calories a day, eat 1,500. If you eat 1,800 a day, eat 1,300. Never go below 1,200 because that is a starvation diet. You need to cut out ALL soda. (Yes, even diet soda) You need to cut out juice, too. Remember, calories in drinks count. Start keeping a food journal. Get a little pad of paper that you can write down what you ve eaten and the calories in it. Or, join a website like Fit Day or Calorie King. Now onto exercise. You need an exercise plan, otherwise you might slack off. I suggest you wake up every morning and jog around your neighborhood. Ever heard of Denise Austin? She s fabulous. Buy one of her tapes. She has ones that work out the whole body. Do that twice a day, whenever you get the chance. Take another walk at the end of the day before you go to bed. It should help you get a good nights sleep so you ll be ready to start again in the morning.