Sunday, March 25, 2018

How to lose weight fast? -

Im 15 years old and just about forever i have been chubby. Can anyone give me some good methods to lose weight fast at my age?

HelloLosing weight fast is not healthy and may not be the most durable way either.There are many good weight loss products - 100% made of natural ingredients - at Healthcare Boutique.��Good luck!J.I.

Everyone wants fast results, but nothing has been shown to do that without causing other problems. every quick fix pill that has ever come along has been shown to damage the heart or liver. also you cannot pick and chose where the fat comes from. you can t reduce your legs, stomach or hips by design. you lose weight, and your body uses its fat stores however it sees fit.Your best bet, and the only thing that has been proven to work is a lifestyle change. you have to begin eating right and start getting much more active. focus on healthy/whole foods like fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains. avoid sugar, salt, simple carbs like rice, potatoes and white flour. limit dairy such as milk, cheese, butter, and watch fats like oils.

If you try to lose it fast, your results will be poor. You will lose muscle, which is vital to burning calories, or you will yo-yo, you will lose patience, etc.What you need is DISCIPLINE. Do not try to do it as quickly as possible. Try to do it RIGHT so it STAYS OFF.The answer is the same as it always has been. Healthy eating (4-6 small meals a day, complex carbs and unprocessed foods) and cardio cardio cardio.

There is no way to lose it fast and it be healthy. Just start watching the food goes in and cut out the junk food and only eat fresh fruit and vegetables for snacks. Drink lots of water. No soda or fruit juice. Have a lean piece of meat and steamed veggies for dinner.

Losing weight is simple...1) Buy a quality rebounder (ReboundAIR) and use it as much as you can. it s the easiest, most fun exercise, and you can do it while you watch TV.2) Buy Kevin Trudeaus book... Natural Cures they don t want you to know about. It has 30 simple ways to lose weight. He also has a new book out specifically on losing weight. I highly recommend both books.

These other answers are right.Cutting back a little on carbs will help you to lose weight quickly. But dont cut out carbs all together. Carbohydrates are an energy source but most carb rich foods break down to sugar to use for energy. So if your eating a lot of carbs in a day, your putting a lot of sugar in your body. So my advice is to look up the Glycemic Index in Google. This will show you what types of foods break down slowly and doesnt convert to as much sugar in your system. Choices like brown rice or barley over white rice, brown bread over white bread, eating more beans and legumes and certain types of fruit are lower in sugar than others. And also watching your intake of some of these foods. I wrote an article about Carb Cycling, which means alternating and rotating the amount of carbs your body gets in a day so that you eat most of your carbs on the days that you are the most active and less on days when your least active, and including 1 cheat day a week. If you re interested in knowing more check it out. Thanks and hope this helps you.

If you want to lose the chubbiness, your body needs lean muscle mass. But muscle does weigh more than fat. For really quick results - losing many inches in just 4 days - try the T-Tapp method.http://www.t-tapp.comYou can just do the sample exercises and ones found in her articles on the site without buying anything. If you do 15 minutes a day for four days, you will see fast results because it is incredibly effective. I know. I ve done it. It works. Best wishes!

try to be healthy, pick more protein rich foods over carbs. cutting back on carbs causes pretty rapid weightloss as long as you stay active while doing it, and eating enough along with eating plenty of veggiesgood luck!visit this blog for more help too!

join wrestling team. Eat lots of celery with nothing on it. run alot. chew gum and spit as much as possible, fill bottles. sweat alot.