My ex-boyfriends mother was in a wheelchair, she had very similar problems to you. I used to look after her and we got her weight down quite a bit in a small space of time using the Weight Watchers program. You don t have to go to the meetings, you can do it all online. I think you have to register which is about ��10 but I can t be too sure. they will tell you exactly what to eat as you can tell them what exercise you can and cant do. The ll even send you a book telling you how many calories are in everything, from mc donalds to ryvita! good luck!
If your in australia go to These products will work. It is a healthy meal plan. I believe they also have products that can provide relief for osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. Good luck
You have a lot of challenges to overcome, but you CAN do so. It s easy to say cut the calories, burn more fat, but it s not easy to implement such an ambiguous plan. I suggest visiting a nutritionist who will take all of your health history into consideration and formulate a diet that is ideal for you. He/she will take blood/stool/hair samples to determine your body s ability to absorb vitamins and nutrients which no diet will do. Your medications can definitely cause complications and prevent your system from absorbing sufficient vitamins and minerals even if, in theory, you re ingesting enough of them. Pain medications wreak havoc on anyone s system, and a nutritionist can help you work around such strong chemicals.Short of visiting a nutritionist, you can find a lot of info online about nutrition. It will take dedication and focus to research your specific set of circumstances, but it s a good start. Educating myself got me on the road to being stronger and healthier, but ultimately I had to visit several doctors and a nutritionist to get on the absolute right track. I wish you luck, health, strength and courage in your quest for health - it s a hard road but you can do it!
I would talk to your doctor or chemist about your concerns over the medicine,there will probably be an alternative. The doctor surely could advise a sensible diet,or at least put you in touch with a dietitian.
I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.Today there is too much information available on losing weight that has become more confusing and sometimes difficult to follow. It��s actually very easy to lose weight if you follow my weight loss tips.* Be in right frame of mind* Eat whole food* Eat fresh fruit* Drink enough water* Always chew your food* Take small meals* Include protein at meal* Shut off TV while eating* Increase your physical activityMore infomation the link: -- task=view id=202 Itemid=62
make sure most of your diet in high in protien and low in fat and carbs
Make sure 45-65 percent of you calories comes from carbohydrates ( preferably whole grain). make sure less than 30% in fat and you are consuming 60g of protien a day.
Find out your blood type first, then eat according to it. Your weight will drop. Pay attention to what kind of water you are drinking too. Pure water can help you drop at the cellular level.