There is no medical miricle to losing weight fast. DONT take diet pill I.M.O. (look at what happened to Anna Nicole).Follow these steps...1) Count your calorie intake. Try to keep it at a minimum without under-eating.2) Eat the right foods. Make sure you get your essentials in. Absolutely no burger king or mcdonalds.3) Exercise. Whether it s running or workouts at the local gym, you must burn off the calories you intake, and you must be consistent.4) Be patient. Though putting the weight off will take time, you will feel much better about yourself once even a couply of pounds come off the healthy way, but it DOES take time.
Babey, no worries. You are perfect! If anything just join your school track and field team and you will get into shape. = )
ur not fat ur 13 years old ... who are u trying to look like all those stick celebrities who have bones stickin outta there bodies thats so gross and so hard on ur bodydont worry ur not fat
There is only one proven and effective way to lose weight fast.Go to the bathroom... and release the weight.
You are not fat and you shouldn t be trying to lose any weight.
That does NOT sound fat to me. Stay active and healthy, and enjoy who you are.
no your not! your still a kid! enjoy it! and if you wanna get more active, try dancing, running, or any sports, and have fun with it! =]
Your not fat. Your perfect weight for your height. If you want to tone up, then join your track team or something like that. Don t try to lose weight though. You don t need to lose any at all.