Monday, August 13, 2018

How can i lose weight fast and easy? -

i really want to lose a couple of kilos. is there anyone who knows any ways or wat i should do to lose some weight really fast and easy? thanks:)

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, whichwill lead to increase of weight, or muscle growunderneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet withoutexercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. Fordiet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no foodafter 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending onyour initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. Ifyou don t eat wheat then you don t eat all those sticky, fatty goeycakes, you don t eat junk food, and you don t eat biscuits. But yourdiet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have tocalculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is themost efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight alot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to targetyour problem areas for men and women. It s not necessarily to become abodybuilder or even join a gym - a couple of dumbbells will help youto target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

If you lose weight fast and easy, you will gain it right back, fast and easy. And it will be harder to lose the next time. Wouldn t you rather get fit and stay fit?Weight loss pills, powders, acai berry, all that stuff �C B.S! Bizarre fad diets (Eat only bacon and lose weight!) are unnatural �C you need all four food groups. Bowel purges are downright dangerous �C you need those bacteria in your gut to process food. You might lose some weight using these crazy techniques, but you��ll put it right back on the moment you quit. The only way to lose weight, get fit and stay that way is the hard way �C healthy diet and regular exercise. It isn��t about dieting; it��s about developing a healthy diet. A basic healthy diet: lean meats, dark veggies, whole grains, lots of water; reduce processed carbs (soda pop is Satan!) and increase fiber. Allow yourself a splurge once every two weeks �C it��s easier to be good if you know there��s a treat in your future. Educate yourself �C there are thousands of websites with nutrition information. You can tell the good ones �C they aren��t selling a quick fix. Exercise: start easy and work your way up. Make the time 3-4 days a week �C an hour walk (your dog will love you!), a stroll on the treadmill, whatever �C it has to become a habit. After a few months start challenging yourself �C add leg weights, join a gym, something. Sadly, exercise doesn��t burn enough calories to lose much weight �C two miles on the treadmill equals about half of a Big Mac. But exercise is irreplaceable for a healthy heart, stamina and flexibility. Again, education is the key, and the good websites aren��t selling the Patented Nuclear Abdominatorizer of the Week.Don��t quit just because you fall off the wagon one or twelve times �C that��s just an excuse for laziness. It took years to develop your bad habits; it will take time to change them. If you don t want to put any effort into this, then you can look forward to being fat and unhealthy for the rest of your life.Women �C you look a lot better than you think! TV, magazines, etc. are NOT REALITY! Don��t be a victim of marketing �C there is a multi-billion dollar industry with a vested interest in making you hate yourself. The sexiest women are self-confident, smart, and honest. Are you demanding some impossibly perfect specimen to love? Well, neither are the guys! Look him in the eye, dress to accentuate your assets, and find a common interest �C your man will flip. It��s how my wife got me!Remember �C your biggest obstacles are laziness and unrealistic expectations. Your best tools are perseverance and education.Good Luck!

Normally I d say loosing weight fast is not a good idea, but a couple of kilos is not a bog deal. Exercise 3-4 times a week for 45 minutes, and the other days walk or do easy stuff dor 20 minutes. Give up your guilty pleasure and comfort foods, soda, bread, sweets etc.Should work in about a month, but when you do loose, do not start junk food diet! Keep dieting and exercising, then in a month decrease the amount of exercise to keep up the good shape.Good luck!

running (cardio) is the best way to burn fat and lose weight.get some tunes, grab a friend, plan a route, make a schedule, and stick to it.No brainer, eat healthy :)