Friday, August 24, 2018

What is the best way to lose weight faster? i already go to the gym but i dont seem to get results? -

i m going back to school on august. and i need help. i m tired of getting judge. especially when i m going to be in high school next year. i need help

it is harder to loose weight when you go to the gym as muscle weighs more than fat, you judge progress in a gym with a tape measure instead of weighing scales, for best results use cardio machines though, you will also be growing as you are still of school age, this to will put you on a downer when you read the scales, i suggest untill you have reached your late teens dont use the scales more than once a month, but use a tape measure, and keep working out on the cardio machines, the chances are if you stay the same weight but grow another foot and tone your body via cardio you will be the ideal weight and shape, food wise eat the right things, with plenty of fruit especially bananas before a work out, cut out fatty foods, there is no need to take up grazing if you are working out but just stay off the takaways

Continue to go to gym and you ll see results. Eat healthy (lots of raw fruits and vegetables), drink lots of water and green tea.You ll succeed.For extra help you could try diet pills. I read that Proactol are the best rated ones, but I really didn t tried them... Choose wisely and good luck! :)

We are not mind mind readers. What are your goals? Are you fat? skinny? wanna get big and ripped? Wanna play football? Run track? Gotta be specific when you ask questions.