Monday, December 24, 2018

My wife is struggling to lose some post pregnancy weight - can you recommend a good weight loss program? -

Weight watchers and exercise works good. Maybe walking 3-5 times a week for 30-60 minutes.

I know a few women who have found success with the Weight Watchers program, as well as Jenny Craig.

Put that baby in a stroller and start walking, then work up to jogging. Just get out of the house. Walk the mall, the track at the local high school. You don t need to spend any money.

I recommend all natural Cinch Inch Loss Plan. It s powered by an essential amino acid called leucine that travels directly to muscle to signal protein synthesis. It helps your body preserve muscle mass while you lose weight and inches from fat.I was on the plan for three weeks and lost 4 1/2 inches from my waistline and 2 1/4 inches from my hips.Hope this is helpful.

Diet walking. My wife couldnt run didnt have time to go to a gym, so we walked every night for 1 1/2 hours, on top of all the walking we did during the day. Unless we where going out of town, we would walk everywhere. We gave up soft drink, ate healthy meals (note we did it as its unfair for her to have to do it on her own) Plus i took the time to notice her efforts results which tickled her vanity helped keep her resolve to loose the weight.

I can t recommend an exercise program but I can recommend a good plastic surgon or I would recommend a hot twentysomething on the side.