Friday, February 22, 2019

How long will it take for me to lose weight fasting??? -

You won t lose weight by fasting. The worst thing you can do is to not eat. You body thinks you are starving it and it will hold on to every calorie and stored fat cell it has to protect itself. You will be very tired and have no energy because your body will begin to shut down to conserve energy.

You will some lose weight however once you start eating again you will gain the weigh back and then 5 lbs or more. I know this sounds crazy. But you want to lose weight quickly your without alot of time working out. Eat small meals 6 times a day. Your body doesn t think its in starving and your metobolism starts revving up. Look in any fitness mag for more information.

Fasting will work in reverse, once you start eating again your body will hold on evey calorie and turn it into fat

Don t fast everyday! once a week is said to clense you but u don t want to be anorexic now do u? You can lose weight simply by changing your diet to healthier foods, and getting more exercize.