Monday, February 11, 2019

What is the best way to lose weight?...FAST? -

im trying to lose weight for a guy i likeim not fat though thank god lol

Run a lot... join the track team x] I wasn t fat, I joined, I m super thin now...But really, google a workout routine or something, do tons of crunches and situps (it works), run/jog/bike a lot, eat healthful foods, pushups, weights, etc. You d be surprised how great you ll feel!! Good luck :D

Keep a schedule of how much you eat, the activities you do and your weight. By maintaining your calories to a healthy number, and eating the right food at the right times and ionvolving yourself in activities, you should be the perfect weight!

you need to lose weight cos you need to, not to attract a certain guy. if you are not fat and he doesnt go for you then i wouldnt bother with him.

uhm, the best advice i can give you is that if you re losing weight super super fast then it s not likely the most healthy way. just eat better foods and excersize and spend time out in the sun and you ll lose weight at a good pace. don t rush it. and besides if he needs you to lose weight in order for him to like you then maybe he s not the right guy for you?