Thursday, March 14, 2019

How to lose weight fast..? -

Okay, I am about 45 pounds over weight, and I want to lose a lot of weight over the next few weeks.What should I do?

The pattern for losing those extra pounds is easy - eat less and move more - the difficulties arise when we actually try to put that into operation! There are plenty of opportunities to fail in the real world don t you think?! I learned some good information by reading the website in the box below, they have plenty of tips and tricks, I worked off 8 pounds by following their techniques.

eat 1000-1500 calories a day (but healthy meals, small portions, lots of fruits, veggies, and protein). exercise for an hour a day.

don t eat and exercise

Starting running on a track. Start out moderately, 2-3 miles to start. You will lose weight fast. Eat smaller portions, serve yourself half the portions of what you normally eat. Or join a gym attend the aerobics classes. Yes, diet pills are not a good idea unless you get them prescribe so that you can be monitored by a physician.