Thursday, October 10, 2019

I need help ADMEDIENTLY!!!!? -

ok, i need major help and QUICK! so, summer is coming, and i need 2 be as fit as possible! i need 2 lose some weight, and i want a very easy, quick way of losing weight. another problem is that i have noticed that i am eatin 2 much sweets. how am i ganna stop myself from having sweets?? i tried not eating them, and it worked 4 a day, then that was it. so what is a way i wont eat them so much? and whats a way i can lose weight quickly and easily?? thank u sooo much~!!!!

Like what Me said, try to think reasonably-only if you really do have to loose weight. But either way, celery is a good thing to snack on if you want to loose weight but still need a snack- because it s minus calories. Besides for that there s exercise-stomach crunches are pretty good for the stomach area.

Ok well you don t really wanna lose your weight quick because then it would easily come back.My doctor told me that.For the sweets just eat like one a day and soon it will stop going down.For the diet just exercise every day or start off easy and do every other day


How much do you weigh now?If it s under 130, you don t need to lose weight. 130-150, wear a tankini.150+, go on weight watchers

you need to learn how to spell ADMEDIENTLY