well..it s tricky....i mean..rationally speaking you have to cut out fast foods, sodas, bread, fried stuff...focus on eating a lot of fruit. Replace the snacks u usually have with stuff that you can eat a lot of but not have to worry about the calories. For examples i snack on apples or carrots. Once in a while you can indulge and have a bit of dark chocolate or a simple vanilla ice-cream. Focus on a healthy breakfast, drink a lot of water and try not to eat after 4-5pm. It really helps.
It is possible to lose weight fast but you should be realistic and accept that if you lose weight fast then you will probably put it all back on again just as fast. The only thing which clearly delivered for me was wu-yi tea, it can be checked out in the resource box below, they have a small number of free trials remaining, it was featured in Fox News and CNN. I melted away twenty five pounds, it clearly does produce success!
eat less, and when you get that off exercise a lot but don t hurt your self good luck.