Monday, October 14, 2019

Has anyone used Genetix Weight Loss Program? -

Has anyone used Genetix Weight Loss Program? Has it worked? If so, how well? Did you keep it off? I am looking into it, and spoke with a physician today, and it seems to be a pretty effective program. I was just looking to see if anyone had any experience with it.

I met a guy through craigslist that used the program and lost 100lbs in 8 months. I really want to do it too, I just don t have the deposit required to start. I know you get it back at your 80% point but I just don t have it right now. I m interested to talk to more that have used it.

Many people ask me how they can slim down. I recommend that people eat right and exercise. However, if they would like a little help , I suggest using natural Hoodia (it s important to note that not all Hoodia works well, even if the bottle says pure or standard ).The Hoodia sold at is in my opinion the best Hoodia on the market. It s pure, has no side effects, and they give you a free sample bottle (there is a $6.95 shipping and handling charge).Fantastic results have been seen with this particular Hoodia.
