Monday, November 11, 2019

How do i lose weight quickly? -

I m 16 and five feet five inches. and 186 lbs. i hate the way i look. but my boyfriend loves the way i look but doesnt know how much i weigh. i wear size 13 and xl most of the time. im depressed about it. i dont have enough will power to be aneroxic and hate throwing up so i cant do either of those things, but trust me i ve tried. i hate working out. i find it embarrassing to tell my family im going to the gym. i dont like to go outside either. we have a treadmill but i hate running. is there a way to lose weight without doing anything? help! i wanna be skinny again. i hate my self. i cant go to my parents b/c they are the same way. they are fat but they wont do anything about it. i want to but i dont know what to do. please help me.

Drink a glass of water before you start the meal. Water naturally needs some space so that you feel fuller without actually having to stuff yourself.

walk 2 hours a day (either 1 time or 2x )count calories no eating after 8pmno chips no burgers no cake no bread

i understand...your worried about your body . but listen..IF YOUR BF IS OK WITH IT..THEN TRUST HIM.guys dont tell girls they r pretty if they dont mean comfortable with who you are first..or else your going to keep struggling..with your weight. be confident. and i know its hard but you cant keep whining. nothing is going to happen if you whine about how you dont like running..if you dont run arnt going to make any progressim sorry if i sound rudeand you dont have to run can start off by walking..3 days a week...cutting out a little bit of junk. you dont have to give it up all at once..but just make small changes..and later when your used to walking everyday you ll want to run. its not only about looks..its also about how you feel on the inside and your health. i know its ambarrasing sometimes but if you openn up to friends/family..a few..they might help you..and right now im guessing you could use some support. drink loks of helps alot. try drinking upto 8 glasses of water every day. it flushes the fat can try lemon water..but thats kind of sour..but it helpseverytime you crave junk food just have a orange or apple. dont eat after 5 or 6 pm. Make sure you sweat alot when you work outyou can try dancing..its a great workout..if your shy infront of other people you can possibly shut the lights in your room and dance alone their with music. i do that just to get my self active again if i feel a bit chubbyish or whatever. and it workslater when your more used to being active you could go hiking. it makes you sweat like crazyask your boyfriend to join you..because i understand.working out alone can be boring..and if you have your boyfriend along with you it can be fun..and it can be a fun idea lol Remember..looks arnt everything. be happy with yourself..dont patient and let your body lose weight on its own ok?what are your faverite hobbies? do you like sports? if you have never played sports or etc..i suggest you start now. you meet alot of new people and you lose weight in a fun waybut yea right now i guess you can start off by walkingand if you lose motivation what you can do is take a picture of your you look now..take a few actually..tape them around your room..and remember..that you dont want to look like that.tape a picture o nthe fridge aswell so whenever you dig in the fridge to eat junk you will rememberyou might wanna put a picture of a slim girl next to you you can have more you want to look like when you have lost weightthats the best i can suggest...good luck :)