Saturday, December 14, 2019

I want to join some kind of weight loss program but cant afford one? -

Losing weight should save you money not cost you money ! all ya really need is to closely follow a few tips; 1, never eat unless your actually hungry! 2, only eat till no longer hungry, never till you are full! 3, only eat healthy foods like fruits, veggies and low fat meats, you need some carbs ie; Bread, Pasta, potatoes or rice, but keep them to a minimum (small portions and no more than one per meal)! 4, add to this some exercise and you Will lose weight, perhaps slowly but you will find that doing this is much easier than you would think

Here is a place that reviews lots of weight loss programs, dieting aides, supplements and so on. Even has categories like diabetes, low fat and hypnosis. Pretty cool site.�� Many of the programs listed have consumer reviews, so you can read what others think of it.Hope this helps!

there are plenty of websites on this subject. go to i was recently referred to this group and it has some very good tips and guidlines.

I recommend www.sparkpeople.comalso I do health plans and workout routines one on one with people if you want to email me.But sparknotes allows you to document your progress online.Any way those are my recommendations.��

If you can afford a few dollars for an ebook, try The Logic Diet.It s all you ll need!