Saturday, January 28, 2006

Does peanut butter cause constipation? -

I have been on the LA weight Loss program for just under 8 weeks now and I am constipated. The only consistent thing I can think of in the diet is Peanut Butter that may be causing me to be this way. All the other food I eat is high in fiber includin 3 fruits and veggies a day!!!

Usually large doses of nuts (any kind) can cause constipation. However, your fiber intake should counteract it. Maybe you should reduce the peanut butter and increase the fibers.

i say no because of the oil in the peanut butter. just try eating more green veggies.. good luck on your weight loss program.

It shouldn fact eating peanuts (and other nuts) in excess usually causes loose stools. Are you drinking enough liquid/water?

well what do you think!!??? you tell me!! ya dummy head!