Saturday, January 21, 2006

Weight loss?? -

i am 14, i weigh about 110. and im really unhappy about it, all of my friends are these pinthin sticks, and it really bugs me!i really would like to loose about 5-10 pounds, is this bad?i dont wanna go on a crazy crash diet, because i know how bad they are, but i would LOVE to weigh 100 or less, i need some tips to eating healthy weight loss, please help!thanks so much!

Start eating a bit of a high protein diet and doing some working out. The best way to make a good change in your situation is to have a body type that is different then your friends. I say this to you because trying to keep up with people that are skinny if you have trouble with that is a losing battle, better instead to get yourself in better shape then everyone else and then you will not be judged for that bodytype.