Monday, March 20, 2006

Can stress cause appetie loss/weight loss? -

A lot of stressful things happened to me last Tuesday, since then food hasn t sounded so good. I try to eat and only end up throwing up or having diarrhea... I ve lost 12 lbs in 7 days now. And I don t know what is really a healthy weight loss but I m sure 12 lbs isn t. Is there any way the stress is causing this? Is there a bug that could make me sick for that long?

stress can DEFINITELY cause appetite/weight loss and the stress hormone, CORTISOL, causes a slew of things in your stomach and bowels so when you try to eat, nausea, vomiting diarrhea can surely occur. you re right, 12 lbs. in 7 days is not healthy... and as far as any bug that can give you the same symptoms for that amount of time, there are many. but it would depend on the characteristics (how often, bloody vs. watery) of your vomitus and diarrhea. you should be wary of metabolic imbalances and dehydration in the setting of your symptoms.

Stress can cause you to lose weight as you get to where you just can t eat sometimes. I would say if you have lost 12 lbs. in 7 days you had better get to your Dr. quick and see what s wrong with you. I think the flu is going around in some parts of the country. Maybe you have that but go to the Dr.

Stress can cause this but you need to see a Dr to find out if anything else could be wrong. 12 pounds in 7 days is a lot of weight to lose.

No bug, just extreme stress and anxiety. The brain acts in mysterious ways and one of them is the affect on eating caused by stress, hardship, mental pain, loss of a loved one etc.

yea stress can cause more problems than you might think

It is possible for stress to cause you to feel sick. I would go to the doctor and find out what could be wrong. It does seem odd that a bug would make you sick this long and it very well could be stress. I d see a doctor for help, it s definitely not healthy for you to lose that much weight. Good luck. : )

it might be stress but you should see a Dr to make sure good luck