Monday, March 20, 2006

What are some good weight- loss tips? -

I m trying to lose 15 lbs. by June. I just want some weight-loss tips and anything to help me lose weight. I m currently 135 lbs. but I want to be 120 lbs. Please help..

f you are looking for natural methods of weight loss then follow these tipsEat proper and healthy break fastAvoid junk foodDrink lots of waterAvoid oily and fried itemsNever eat a heavy dinnerread more about this tips following link��

The simplest way to look at weight loss is simply this:First, you need to be smart about the food you eat. As you ve probably realized, there s no miracle diet out there. Always make sure your fridge is stocked with fresh vegetables you enjoy. This will make it easier to pick a healthy snack when you get hungry. Make sure to include vegetables in each meal. Lean chicken/turkey is also important if you don t plan on going on a strictly vegan diet.Secondly, you need to get moving! In order to lose body fat, it s essential that everyday you burn more calories than you gain. It s also important to add a variety of exercises to your routine. If you walk everyday, you re already burning a lot of calories, but it would help if you added an intense workout in the mix, such as sit-ups. If you re already working out intensely, maybe you need to make sure you do some calmer exercises in order to balance it out.To keep your motivation levels up, make sure to reward yourself for accomplishing daily goals. Find tasty and healthy recipes, find a fun active hobby, or maybe get a dog you can walk everyday.When you get a routine that works, and stick with it, you ll soon start noticing changes in your metabolism and shape.

Yes, you can. However; weight loss is one of those things that sounds easier than it really is. After all, if you just eat less calories than you burn, you ll lose fat, right? Not necessarily. You could be burning muscle, which will turn you into a weak blob of quivering fat if you stay on that diet long enough. And even if you do burn fat, does that mean you have to be hungry all the time? There is a TON of disinformation out there. One person says to follow a low carb diet, another says to follow a low fat diet, and someone else says low calorie is definitely the way to go. Find out more @

The best thing that helped me was just cut calories each day and stick to one serving a food at meals, that is were people screw up, they are eating way to much food during the day. Drink lots of water and when you get the munchies eat fruit or veggies, it is hard at first but after awhile junk food just doesn t taste good. Good luck Oh yea, and walk, walking is real good, I actually lost more weight walking than I did when I was running.

Nowadays, people are very concerned about body image, and, as a result there are many diet pills available and most of these are hazardous to your health. Why harm yourself if there are natural alternatives.I started a month long diet and I have found that I have lost 4 pounds in only one week by Life Style 30 Days which has given me tonnes more energy than I had before and also, the vitamins my body needs to stay healthy. However, there is also a much shorter diet called Life Style 9 Days. And with the right attitude, this program can help you lose weight much can find the programs on the following website:

Do cardio exercise at least 3 times a week. Eat fruit, veg, wholemeal and lean meat (chicken, turkey etc). Eat 4 - 6 small meals a day, to keep your metabolism fired up. Don t eat any wheat based products or processed foods. Don t eat within 3 hours of going to bed, as you re digestive tract slows down during sleep, so excess calories will turn into fat. Drink 8 glasses of water daily. And finally, don t give up, do it properly.