Friday, March 24, 2006

Need weight loss tips! I get home from work really late. I want to lose pounds and inches, any ideas? -

I just had a baby 8 months ago and my weight is way out there. I want to lose weight and exercise, but unfortunately my weight keeps me from being able to do the exercises I used to do (aerobics). What are some exercises I can begin with and then moderately increase? Also it is hard to just stop eating everything, what is a good way to begin slowly so that I don t give up easily on my new life style change.

Walking is a great beginning workout. Just getting into the habit of getting consistant exercise by walking 3 times a week for 30 minutes is a start. Later, when this becomes second nature, you can dial up the intensity with a good Couch to 5K program that will have you running 3 miles in the span of 10 weeks. I used the one at coolrunning, but now I m training towards a 10K with Sarkpeople. Spark also has diet and nutrition resources, is free, and has great message boards and articles to find answers to your questions.Starting slowly is the method I recommend. If you try to take on too much too soon, you are more likely to feel overwhelmed and stop the program. Easing into a lifestyle change is the way to go.

I use an amazing Doctor Recommended all natural Revolutionary new cleansing technoligy that has changed my life. I have lost 20 lbs and gone from a size 18-10 with this sytem.If you would like more information please email me directly at bignlild@msn.comor visit

To successfully lose weight, you must carry out a plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise. Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionally balanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity. I found useful informations at

I agree with the other person. Walking is slow and steady, but effective. You don t have to stop eating, nor should you. Just increase the whole grains and fruits/veggies, and cut back on fat in the diet. You don t have to go hungry to lose weight.

Ok, the first thing you want to do is not change your eating habits at all. Take a diary for one week of everything you eat (don t cheat, no one else needs to see this list). The easiest thing to do is, after a week, look at your food diary. You need to eliminate your food sins . For instance, if you eat a bag of chips with lunch every day...or you eat crap late at get it, just eliminate that. My food sins are sweets sodas. I find if I eliminate them - even for a week or two without excersise, I lose a pound a week. I drink LOTS of water, tea (green or white) after each meal. Have soup for dinner. As far as excersise goes, you might think it s crazy, but a half hour fast walk a day , or parking farther away from the store, or taking the stairs, really does work. Remember, to LOSE weight, you need to be burning 500 more calories a day than you eat. Good Luck!