Sunday, March 26, 2006

Weight Issue Help For A Male Teen? -

Iam a 16 year old male i weigh about 9stone 67 kilograms and my height is 5 foot 7 inches . Since september 2007 when i got a injury to my knee i was unable to take part in any activies which ment no exercise i sat at home all day and just ate ate ate and i gained about a stone and a half my size 32 waste jeans were getting to small so i was going to a size 34 which was when i said no more so from june 25th until the 26th of october i have been on my own weight loss program i lose about 2stone iam now wearing size 30jeans and even they are a bit loes fitting i would eat around 1500 calories sometimes lower for breakfast i would have a small bowl of weetabix lunch i would have a roll and turkey a special k bar for a snack , dinner i would have a baked potatoe with tuna then i would have a small bowl of cereal at night . For exercise i would walk home from school which was is a 2mile walk then i would go out for a 5mile run then return home and do things such as sit ups , Squats , Pull ups and star jumps . Now i have a bad blister on my toe due to wearing the wrong shoes during exercise so i have been unable to exercise and go to school as i cant put on shoes but from monday to thursday i have just ate ate and ate i cannot say how many calories each of these 4 days i think around 3000 or just under each of these days iam afraid i will gain weight but my mum has told me i will not put on a thing as i have a fast metabolism and exericse every day and eat healthy everyday but this week due to being bored i have just ate alot could someone PLEASE tell me how much weight i would have put on in this week PLEASE thank you to whoever answers my question

Even though you can exercise you can still get out of your house and go to the library or something to occupy your time.For exercise you could try starting on weight training- maybe your school has a gym or something. Also you could just pop the blister if you haven t already. It will take a while to heal depending on your callouses but I find that it s still worth it.And uh lastly- 3000 calories won t kill you. Your bmr is probably arounf 2000-2500 so you won t be gaining much more (perhaps less) than 1/7 of a pound per day. Just get active as soon as possible and I doubt you ll see much weight gain.

i dont know wieght in gibberish stone talk only in pounds. so i cant help you sorry, but if u havent tried a low carb diet u should, it has worked for me, just eat lots of meat, eggs cheese etc..

Wow... Im confused... Miles, kilos, stones... you keep jumping back and forth from one system to the other. It looks like you are doing the right things, until you get bored and eat all the time. For kids in the US, the easiest remedy is to yank that friggin XBOX out of the wall, toss them a football, and boot their fat @ss right out the front door, telling them not to come back til dark.