Friday, April 28, 2006

Does anyone have any good weight loss tips for losing around 20 lbs? -

I am going on a cruise in six weeks and would like to loose around 20 lbs. Right now i weigh 150 lbs. and I am 5 9 . By the time of the cruise i would like to be around 130 lbs. Anything would help. Thanks!

Well, the first thing you don t want to do is stop eating.When you cut your intake down drastically your body makes up for it by sending a single to your brain that it is starving and needs to hold on to every ounce of fat available to make it through.I would however increase the obvious like:* Water* Excercise* ChocolateThat must be a typo. Did I just say chocolate?Well, actually I did. But not without good reason. I have lost plenty of weight eating chocolate.Not just any chocolate mind you, but healthy nutritious Xocai chocolate. Check out the first video on to find out more about that.Bon voyageSEOGuyhttp://Search-Engine-Optimization-And-Be��Internet Marketing advice for the rest of us.

Ya! For breakfast eat a protein source like egg whites or aprotein bar because studies show that people who eat protein for breakfast burn up to 60% more calories throughout the day. Also try lifting weights because that exercise burns the most calories. Swich to whole grain bread to curve hunger and eat healthy fiber filled snacks throughout the day like almonds to keep you satisfied. My favorite snack is strawberry sugar free jello with light cool whip on top and one sliced strawberry.(only 30 calories)good luck!

If you dont want to waste you��r money this site gives you a free trial for a weight loss pill that works. You could try it?