Monday, April 24, 2006

How can I lose more weight? -

I m 14 years old, 5 2 , and weigh about 110 lbs.I want to weigh around 90 - 95 lbs.I ve been not eating as much, and working out more.Today all I ate was one brownie, and an 8-ounce bottle of water.I also ran on the elliptical machine on weight loss program two, for forty-five minutes.I still don t think I m doing enough.Are there any more exercises I can do to lose weight quicker?Thanks.

Why are you worried about how much you way? When I was your age, I weight either that or 105. Don t worry about you re weight, you re fine.

i think that you should train more and you can use some pills for burning fats can check this me if it works fine !

The pattern for losing weight is not difficult - consume less food and move more - the difficulties arise when we actually try to put that into practice! There are lots of opportunities to fail out there don t you think?! The one thing which really delivered for me is green tea, it can be viewed in the resource box below, they have a handful of free trials in stock, it has been featured in Fox News and USA Today. I worked off thrity pounds, it really does work!

Look babe, you need to eat more otherwise you ll turn anorexic soon like i did. Truth is , if you eat at meal times, it ll help you loose more weight cos of the whole digestive system thing, so eat healthy at meal times carry on working out. Running is the best exercise for loosing weight .Hope it helped =)

uhm clearly your not fat, not even close. my friend in 5 2 and weighs about the same. her doctor told her she shouldn t loose any more weight. it s ******* unhealthy and also seriously a brownie? that s it for one day? try eating something nutritious if your going to try to starve yourself. also just so you know your body goes into starvation mode when you don t eat enough. it tries to hold on to every last piece of fat in your body for energy because it s not getting it from food. plus it screws up your metabolism and when you eat again you gain all your weight back.