Saturday, May 27, 2006

Can someone suggest ....? -

a good weight loss program or diet... that has worked for you... Cause I am getting married and would like to loose some weight. but my schedule is so complicated at this point. I go to collage during the day and work in the evening. I m also paint our home to rent it out cause we are relocating and the packing is hectic . So any ideas . Thanks in advance.

Try the special K diet. You might do better than I did but it works! I lost 5 lbs in a month.

first let me say i am 16 yrs my losses may be way different from others......well this worked for me. at the end of december i was weighing 270 pounds. then i joined a gym(which probably woudn t fit your schedule, but u can still run) and i ran 1-2 miles about 5-6 times a week. i only drank about one soda a day ,if that, but mostly water. i cut my portions in about half of what they used to be. and here is in my opinion the most important step....i didnt eat 4 hours before i went to sleep. so on school nights i wouldn t consume calories after 7. after dieting and excercising i lost 55 pounds in about 5 1/2 months(but i could have lost more,laziness :),) i see your not shooting for this kind of amount but i averaged about 10 lbs a remember to stay hydrated and get a multi-vitamin because when your not getting energy from food you ll tend to feel weak and tired alot......good luck..!