Friday, May 12, 2006

Healthy weight loss in 2 months!? -

Alright, now I m 15 years and I weigh.. too much. ;] Uhmm, I store most of my fat in my back and stomach, and I was wondering how much weight I can lose in 2 months? I m on summer break already, so I realize that I ve waited a little to long lol, but I want to be fit for the school year. So in 2 months, if I go to the gym for about 30 minutes a day and follow a strict diet, what is the average amount of wight I can lose? (If you have a better workout/diet plan suggestion, please tell me!) Thanks! :D

find a diet plan that works for you..limit calories, and watch your fat intake because each gram of fat is 3 calories.. Diet and a good exercise routine, working out at least 45 mins. 3 days a week will begin to shed the weight, but to expedite the process consider working out 4 or even 5 days a week.

Try hcg you can lose 1 to 2 pounds a day with no exercise its extremely easy but very strict on what to eat its safe with no side affects and it really dose work check out this

Your best bet would be to do the Fat X workout and diet program. It s a 12 day plan and the videos are free at ...

You can lose about a pound to two pounds a week, healthily. Walking is great because it uses all the muscles, and if you do too much it can make fat into muscle. Just take it easy and eat right, but I d aim for one to two pounds a week. You might lose a lot at first due to water weight, do you drink soda at all? It might make your body retain water, so just water is good. :)It s not something that can be rushed, sadly. :( If you do too much and don t eat enough you will lose weight, but your body will go into starvation mode and when you do go back to eating normal you ll gain a lot quickly. Sorry if it seems scary, just been there done that and it is a bit scary, but the main advice I d have is to not feel really bad if you eat something bad like a cupcake once in a blue moon. Just take it easy and you ll find it will come off! :) Hope this helped a little bit :)

Ok the average weight loss that is considered healthy is 1-2lbs a week. But in the end weight loss is determined by how many calories are consumed vs. burned. One of the best websites is aka it will allow you to track how many calories you net per day as well as seeing what calories are in foods, alternatives, how much you burn when you exercise, and there are groups that you can talk to for help. Its free btw. While 30 min a day sounds like alot at the gym its not I d recommend atleast an hour. do 30 min of cardio then 15-30min of weights. Also people say if you exercise earlier it starts your metabolism for the day I do 30 min in the morning and an hour + at night. If you want a book and are able to make your own meals I d recommend the jillian books from biggest looser. Also one of the best things that helped me is telling myself I m not on a diet so much as eating healthy that is the best thing todo cut out any high processed, high sugar, high fat, high sodium foods. Increase your water intake (this really does work). If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Typically it is unhealthy to lose more than about 2 pounds a week. However, a lot of times you may lose more quickly at the beginning (mostly water weight). Don t focus too much on the scale though, because there are many factors that can affect weight, including water intake, bone density, muscle mass - the way your clothes fit is a much better indication of your progress. 30 mins of exercise a day is great - cardio is best for burning calories, but try some weight resistance stuff as well (muscle burns fat). You may also find that you get better results if you keep things fresh by changing your exercise routine frequently... for example, switch from jogging to swimming to elliptical, etc. Most of all, be careful that you are getting enough calories, especially since you will be exercising. Never eat less than 1200 calories per day (this is the minimum that your body needs to perform basic functions, like breathing and keeping your heart beating!). Good luck and take care of yourself!