Saturday, May 13, 2006

What is the fastest rate of healthy weight loss? -

Two pounds (or 1 kilogram) of weight loss a week is generally considered to be healthy weight loss. There is no point in losing weight if you are not going to do it right. Otherwise you will just gain it back and then some.Dramatic weight loss is shockingly bad for you. This wrecks your metabolism and irreversibly damages your immune system. When faced with an intensive calorie restriction, your brain immediately thinks you are starving and sends your body directly into famine mode.Your metabolism slows and your body does its utmost to preserve precious fat stores. It starts to use up fat burning muscle tissue for fuel instead of life-saving fat which slows your metabolism even further.Eventually, the fast weight loss will slow to a complete stop as your body slows your metabolism to prevent you from starving to deathThis following website gives you the tools you need to develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain it for a lifetime.Good luck and all the best with your weight loss goals

Most say about a pound or two per week. Faster than that, you get undernourished, tired, hungry, etc, and put yourself at greater risk for rebound eating and weight gain.Weight loss isn t something you do once. It has to be a lifestyle change, with increased exercise and decreased caloric intake for the rest of one s life.DK

You can lose a lot of weight just by changing the way that you eat. Get the tips you need in this article.Smaller Amounts More FrequentlyOne of the easiest ways to lose weight is to eat less food but more often. The way I do this is to divide my daily calorie maximum by six. Here��s an example.

For the last 3 months I have been able to lose weight successfully.I was referred a weight loss program by a doctor at my hospital.Take a look at it, I didn t regret it, So won t You:

More than two or three pounds a week is dangerous. It can lead to kidney or liver damage. Diet and exercise can do two pounds a week, but it needs about two hours of exercise per day.

I lose about 3 or 4 pounds a week.